Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Redbuds Are Blooming!

One of our 2 redbud trees (cercis canadensis) is blooming beautifully for the first time in its 16 years of life!! There has been the odd blossom before, but this year there are lots! The flowers are so pretty. There are just a few blooms on the smaller tree.

Here is the biggest redbud tree. The smaller one is at the right of the picture.

The flowers are a beautiful pinkish red.

The leaves are a dark red so it's a bit hard to distinguish between the flowers and leaves from a distance. They blend into each other.

I love the rosy red color of the beautiful blossoms!

This is my favorite of the photos. Posted by Picasa


Alice said...[Reply]

They are lovely photos, especially the last two. I wonder why it is flowering better than before? I think it has 'star ambitions' and wanted to be recorded on your blog for all the world to see. Another plus for blogging!!!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Now I know what a redbud looks like. Thanks for the beautiful photos.

Susie said...[Reply]

Do you know why they bloom so rarely?
These photos are just so lovely!
Do I see some rain clouds in the background? We're having sunny and very warm days here:-)

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Kerri, I have been enjoying your blog and your lovely photos for some time now. Please don't be mad if I let you know this tree is not a redbud! It appears to be a beautiful red-foliaged crabapple. The redbuds bloom before the leaves, popping out in clusters along the branches. As the flowers fade, the heart-shaped leaves emerge.

At a previous Illinois home, we had redbuds die to the ground in a bad winter, and that was in zone 5 - I'm making a guess that your part of New York hovers between zones 4 and 5. Crabapples can take the cold!

Annie in Austin, Z 8B

Val said...[Reply]

Oh this is interesting...the cercis canadensis that we know in UK (and its a rare tree) has really heart shaped leaves and the blossoms come straight out from the stem.I wonder if there are different varieties?

But many congratulations on the blossoms, they are beautiful, and worth the long wait I hope!

Kerri said...[Reply]

Well, we finally know for sure what these trees are thanks to Annie in Austin (Texas). Ross and I were just making our best guess after trying to find some good pictures and information that might help us remember what we planted way back then. We had written info that named 2 redbuds, among other trees, so we just assumed that's what these were. So this is a red flowering crabapple! Thanks so much Annie!! I'll post a correction later when I have more time.

Carole Burant said...[Reply]

Hi Kerri...found your blog through a link and I must say I'm very glad I did!! I love flowers and yours are especially beautiful...the pictures are so clear, I swear I can smell each bloom:-) I hope you don't mind my dropping in often!!

Diana LaMarre said...[Reply]

LOL, Kerrie. I was just going to say that I have a very similar tree and I always thought it was a crabapple. Mine only blooms fully every other year.

They are lovely, whatever they are called!

sonia a. mascaro said...[Reply]

All photos are beautiful, but my preferred is the first one!
Love the fence and the redbud tree.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...[Reply]

Our redbud trees have heart shaped leaves and the blooms are just fuzzy red or white things...not really flowers with petals.
They kind of look like pussywillow blooms.

I have read your comment above and I think your crab apple tree is beautiful...especially the last two pictures.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

True beauty a gift of nature...