During the heavy rains we had a couple of weeks ago my prize Clematis became so heavy with water that the wire holding the trellis to the house broke. I looked out the window to see the whole thing leaning way over, and my heart to leaped into my throat! Something had to be done immediately, so out I went to fix it in the rain.
It proved to be a two-man job, so Ross graciously helped rewire the trellis to the house while I held the huge, soggy plant. Then I tied it up as best I could, hoping I wasn't ruining it in the process.
Clematis Jackmanii...tied up with string!

As you can see by this next picture, its now blooming beautifully which makes me very happy :)

In the window box next to it are Pink Morn petunias, ivy geraniums and alyssum. I like the bright pink of the petunias with the deep purple clematis.

As you can see by this next picture, its now blooming beautifully which makes me very happy :)

In the window box next to it are Pink Morn petunias, ivy geraniums and alyssum. I like the bright pink of the petunias with the deep purple clematis.
You can also see another clematis, called Carnaby, in the corner. It's a spring bloomer. I posted a picture of the flower in a previous post, here

I've planted Pink Morn in a few containers too. I love its bright face!

The blooms have multipied since I took this photo, but a light rain is falling this morning, so I can't take an updated picture until it stops. Hopefully we'll see the sun later today.

The Jacmanii is now completely covered with blooms. It's an amazingly vigorous and showy plant. Is it any wonder that I love it so much?

I bought 2 new clematis this year. Yesterday I planted this lovely one, called Sprinkles, in the new garden Ross made for me. The other is called Regency and is a beautiful shade of pinkish red. You can see the tag in the background.

I've planted Pink Morn in a few containers too. I love its bright face!

The blooms have multipied since I took this photo, but a light rain is falling this morning, so I can't take an updated picture until it stops. Hopefully we'll see the sun later today.

The Jacmanii is now completely covered with blooms. It's an amazingly vigorous and showy plant. Is it any wonder that I love it so much?

I bought 2 new clematis this year. Yesterday I planted this lovely one, called Sprinkles, in the new garden Ross made for me. The other is called Regency and is a beautiful shade of pinkish red. You can see the tag in the background.

Clematis should have its "Head in the sun, feet in the shade", so plant something around the roots, or put down a 4-inch layer of mulch to keep them cool and moist. It prefers slightly alkaline soil, so you may need to add just a little lime if your soil is on the acid side. Keep it well watered (but don't drown it!). Like most plants, they need good drainage. My Jackmanii and Carnaby have thrived with all the rain we've had. I prune the plants to within a foot of the ground in early spring. Train the new vines onto your trellis, spacing them apart so the flowers will show better. To encourage the Carnaby to climb this year, I added some nylon fishing line to the trellis. That helped a lot.
Don't prune in the fall...this encourages the plant to emerge from dormancy at the first sign of warm weather, which is often much too early, and the new growth can't take the return to winter that is inevitable in our Northeastern climate.
I read a great article last year about clematis in Garden Gate magazine, and this information is from that. It was a free sample so there's no date to tell you how to find it. There's so much great information in the article that I'd love to print the entire thing, but I can't of course, for obvious reasons.
One interesting thing I learned is that there are 3 groups of clematis, and they are pruned differently, but all in the spring. If you have any questions, you could e-mail me, and maybe I could find the answer in the article for you.
I now subscribe to Garden Gate magazine and really like it! They certainly chose their articles well for that free sample...good marketing strategy there :)
Hi Kerri, what a beautiful clematis - one of my favorite flowers. I saw a purple clematis growing on the brick wall of a friend's house when I was about 12-years old. Old enough to be flirting with boys, but fell in love with a flower first.
Yours looks so healthy and bouncy!
I love all your pinks and purples. I bet you love just being outside enjoying this beautiful time of year. I'm hoping your rain is only temporary enough to give you some blogging time!!
I know a young lady in Townsville who would just love to have that beautiful purple clematis.
You really look after your plants so well, Kerri, and they reward you with such a magnificent display.
It's always such a delight to that a 'virtual walk' around your garden, especially now when we don't have a lot of colour.
However, I did count 8 tulips coming up yesterday, and the prunus trees in the streets are budding and flowering. Is that Spring just teasing us a little???
Kerri it is hard to believe the rain bucketed down so hard as to rip this from your home it is so beautiful and I am so glad you saved it!
the colour purple is so strong and picks up all the other wonderful pieces you have in your great summer garden - I look forward to my garden taking flight again as it just sits still at the moment waiting for spring.
Enjoy you day!
I'm glad you were able to rewire the trellis but sorry you ahd to do it in the rain. It's amazing that it gets that big and beautiful that fast. How early in the spring do you prune it? I'm afraid to do anything before memorial day! I hope the rain today did not add to the problems in your area. We got at least 4 inches.
What a great display of your Jacmanii Clematis. I have one but always called purple clematis, as I lost the tag.They're great plant investment and sure are a pleaser. U can see mine at my album Beauty of Spring 06. I didnt get to trained it well, in a right position. They looked fine, only choking my Lilac tree.
Hi Kerri:-)I'm late posting a comment today...my internet was down from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. due to them doing work on changing all the cables..this has been going on for over a week now and I want to GRRRRRRRRRR at them! lol It's the longest it's been down since they started! Anyway....I have the same clematis as you but as you could see from the picture of mine that I put on my blog, it isn't even a part as full as yours...mine is only 3 years old and just now starting to get more blooms. I hope mine ends up like yours one day, it's so very beautiful!! Thank you for the tip about only pruning it in the spring, I was doing it in the fall! All your flowes are gorgeous and I love all the colours!!
I love the second photo with the comtrasts of color.
Kerri, thanks for sharing the views of your lovely garden. I'm wondering how I could bribe you into coming to my house and helping me landscape my yard.
Love the clemantis. You have such patience with your plants, and the rewards are a beautiful garden and showy flowers.
Your flowers are very pretty and thank you very much for the clematis pruning information...Jimmy & I were wondering what the best time to prune ours was and you answered my question.
I clicked on this link not meaning to - I am supposed to be working at the moment, not reading - but, here I am again, mesmerised by your beautiful pictures.
I guess 'they' thought I needed the soul hit - thanks Kerri.
Hi Kerri,
your Jackmanii at the corner of the house is a real stunner! Gorgeous photos again!
Beautiful clematis, Kerri. It certainly is FULL of blooms.
I also like the pink petunia/purple combo.
Oh your clematis is beautiful. I tried and tried to grow them, and they all died. Until last year when a friend told me to plant them but keep the roots cool. Guess what...This year it lived, and gave me a few blossoms. I was thrilled. Reason for the long comment, I sure hope mine looks like yours in the years to come!
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