The peonies gave us a wonderful show before the really heavy rains came. I took almost all of these photos from Tuesday to Saturday of last week, between the rain showers.
That's Sweet William in front of this lovely big peony bush.

This is the same bush looking north. I love the way this peony plant stays so upright, unless we get heavy rains, like we did this past week.

Another view of the same garden with our tennant house and the old barn in the background.

This garden is in front of the house. These 2 bushes have huge double blooms.

The dark and light pinks are a lovely contrast to each other.

This is the same bush looking north. I love the way this peony plant stays so upright, unless we get heavy rains, like we did this past week.

Another view of the same garden with our tennant house and the old barn in the background.

This garden is in front of the house. These 2 bushes have huge double blooms.

The dark and light pinks are a lovely contrast to each other.
That's a weigela in the foreground. I moved it from the center of this bed last year and am happy that it has survived.

This photo shows you the position of this garden in relation to the house. The yellow flowers are evening primrose, which will have to be radically thinned out when they're finished blooming. Meanwhile they provide plenty of lovely color. The tall flowers are foxglove and there's also a lily getting ready to bloom.

You can see here how huge the blooms are on both these bushes, especially the light pink.

Looking in the other direction.

This photo shows you the position of this garden in relation to the house. The yellow flowers are evening primrose, which will have to be radically thinned out when they're finished blooming. Meanwhile they provide plenty of lovely color. The tall flowers are foxglove and there's also a lily getting ready to bloom.

You can see here how huge the blooms are on both these bushes, especially the light pink.

Looking in the other direction.
I love the peony foliage, and use it in flower arrangements long after the flowers are gone. It makes a pretty filler.

I don't know the names of any of my peonies.

I don't know the names of any of my peonies.
One was growing at Gran's house (my MIL used to live in the tennant house), and I moved some of it over here. The others were given to me by friends.

I took this final photo last Wednesday...the day our road was flooded. The sun came out about 9:30 AM.

I took this final photo last Wednesday...the day our road was flooded. The sun came out about 9:30 AM.
What a soggy mess the poor peonies were!
I trimmed all the ruined blooms off in the afternoon and the remaining blooms perked up a bit.
The bushes still have a few blooms but the best of the show is over for another year.
They are really lovely while they last.
Guess what the weather did this afternoon? Yes, it rained! We had a couple of thunderstorms with some strong winds and heavy rains, but they didn't last long, thank heavens.
Until then we had glorious sunshine!
I know the focus of your photos is the garden and all its flowers, but I just love that barn. The only thing missing are those picturesque fences you have around the place. Hope they didn't get washed away!
I love wiegela. I moved mine several times and it survived admirably, but I still thought I'd lost it this year. I just didn't realize how late it was going to be in getting its leaves.
I love peonies are yours are so very gorgeous!! It's just too bad they don't last very long...mine last about a week then that's it for another year. I love the view you have from your house...beautiful!!
At least you got to enjoy them for a little while and got some photos too Kerri. It has been the same here with my garden - rain, rain , rain. My tiger lilies are over on their side- l was hoping to get a great pic of them too- argh.
Wonderful colours all around, you have a lovely position there, l especially love the Sweet Williams.
That last photo was so sad...made me want to cry!!!
Upstate NY looks lovely. A far cry from NYC. Same with northern Ca. compared to LA.
Oh, a pink päonie-collection! Very nice!
It sure looks beautiful there this time of year. I think I will plan a camping trip to your neck of the woods next year!
Love the two shades of pink planted together. Those are some big bushes! It's too bad about the rain knocking them over like that.
It seems that EVERYONE is having problems with too much rain this year.....except for me....I still need rain.
at least you have a photo record of how nice they looked.i love your farm.Would love to see it in person one day..
Like the other Val, I love the old barn and the hill behind it, very protecting.
But I know barns have to do more than look picturesque.
hello Kerri - I came over from Vals (the other Val, that is)... had to tell you - your flower pictures have made-my-day, thank you for sharing them - and the photos will last, and last...
Passing through for the first time...
Wow, what beatiful photos! I noticed that is the focus of your blog and they are all gorgeous.
Your upper state farm looks like a dream come true! Thanks for sharing all that beauty!
God's blessings...
Peonies are a nostalgic plant for me, since they won't grow here. I wish you could attach the scent for us! The end of June seems like such a late date for them to still have blooms. In Illinois the flowering was closer to the first week in June.
Were they late this year? Or is this normal?
I LOVE Peonies!!! In my bad garden in Switzerland, they would grow from nothing after the winter and be so beautiful!!!
Hi Kerri
Have just returned to blogworld after two fantastic weeks with Shelly and her kids. I think I'll have to ease back into it and catch up slowly...!!
Just had to say that your pictures, as usual, are fabulous. The kittens are adorable, the birds impressive, the flowers are stunning, and all that rain - well, I guess when you don't have it you want it and when you do have it you scream ENOUGH! Hope the flooding wasn't TOO bad in your area - I did see a report about it on tv over here.
Oh, and the nappy (diaper) on the chopping board - blame Michelle. Although there could be some existentialist pondering there...
Love the peonies! I dug up my mothers two years ago and got only one bloom this year which is long gone now. Hopefully they will look as good as yours in a few years. The weigela and foxglove are two of my favorites too.
Hi Kerri, the flowers are beautiful! Your yard is just gorgeous!
Happy Independence Day, Happy Birthday America, Happy 4th of July!
I hope you all enjoy your Celebrations!
The 3rd photo down shows such a spectacular view and your peonies are beautiful. Your peony plants are older and much larger & fuller than mine...and I can't wait for mine to reach that stage.
I'm sorry that you still are getting some rain...a little rain is ok but I think you have just had way too much fall your way lately.
That was our second planting on the tomatoes...the frost and some critters got the first ones we set out. They aren't even close to turning red yet and because of the multiple plantings on some, I don't even know which kinds of tomatoes we have...But I'll have to say, any tomato from the garden is better than a store bought tomato...There's just no comparison.
Peonies must bloom later where you are. New York? In Colorado they bloom sometime around the end of May to early June. Regardless of when they bloom, they are beautiful.
What gorgeous peonies you grow Kerri and the colors are just my cup of tea! Wish I'd had such luck with growing peonies. Mine weren't blooming in my old garden neither do they in my new garden. Well I guess I have to be more patient, but that isn't my best character lol
Oh, SIGH... I've just been wandering through your 'gardens' again. Love all the kitties.. and what wonderful things you've done with the gardens.. The photography 'delights' me!
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