This has been such a busy week! I've been thinking of you all, but I'm sorry to say I've hardly had time to visit anyone or answer any e-mails. I miss visiting your blogs and finding out what's new. After today though, things should get better! We're switching to DSL (high speed Internet). No more waiting for ages while pages load with dial up. I can't wait! I hope to be able to post more often and visit more often!
I've enjoyed the gardens so much more this summer, being able to share them with all my blog friends. It's so much fun seeing what others grow in their gardens all over the world. We learn a lot!
It's raining here again today. We had another big storm yesterday afternoon...the second one this week. Last Saturday our road flooded again and there was other flooding in the surrounding areas. The rain fell out of the sky so fast, it was amazing, and most of it on Saturday morning. The floods receded quickly this time and didn't do as much damage, thank heavens. The road crews had just fixed our culvert 2 days before! I feel sorry for them having to do it again...and so much more to fix!
I'm posting some of the dozens of photos I've taken over the past few weeks, mostly of the day lilies. The new ones are all planted and all but one have bloomed, so I'll be posting pictures of those too, later.
Believe it or not, I thinned out these shasta daisies last fall. I need to do it again! I give them away, right, left and center but there's always more!

Astilbe is such a pretty, feathery flower and wonderful for shady spots

This argyranthemum is new to the garden this summer. It reminds me of the Marguerite that my mum used to grow, so naturally I had to have it in my garden!

Malva is the tame version of the wild mallow that is looking just beautiful on the roadsides this summer, along with the tiger lilies and other wild flowers. Apparently they're loving all the rain we've had.

The gloriosas (Black-eyed Susans) are biennials which sow themselves liberally. Yes, Zoey, they are rudbeckia hirta. They put on such a wonderful show! They're funny...sometimes they come back in droves and sometimes there are not many, sometimes none at all, as you experienced. Keep trying! Maybe next time you'll have better luck.

The red monarda (bee balm) looks pretty with the shasta daisies. I have several shades of monarda, the others are mostly pastel pinks and purples. I love it, and as I mentioned before, so do the bumblebees and hummingbirds. I love the scent! It's part of the mint family.

This was an unnamed lily given to us free with our first purchases in 2004 at Hawthorn Hill Farm. I just found out during last Sunday's visit that it's probably Bali Hai.

By Myself. Another one bought in 2004 from HH Farm

Cleo, which I've showed you before, is yet another from HH. She's tall at 48"

An unnamed lily I planted over 15 years ago. Pretty, soft color.

Another unnamed lily planted at the same time as the previous one. This has been such a vigorous grower and bloomer. I love the color!

Chicago Star. The bloom is huge at 8". Another from HH. It's wonderful!

This lovely pink is one of my 3 originals planted with the other 2 all those years ago. It looks suspiciously like Catherine Woodberry, which we just bought. I didn't realize this until we brought CW home last Sunday! Maybe CC a little more lilac than this one, hmmm, don't know. Some of them are so close.

Ruffled Apricot - another beauty from HH

Janice Brown from HH. She was my first choice during our 2004 was love at first sight!

You can see the clematis on the other end of the enclosed side porch. It's beginning to wind down now, but has been blooming for more than a month.

Astilbe is such a pretty, feathery flower and wonderful for shady spots

This argyranthemum is new to the garden this summer. It reminds me of the Marguerite that my mum used to grow, so naturally I had to have it in my garden!

Malva is the tame version of the wild mallow that is looking just beautiful on the roadsides this summer, along with the tiger lilies and other wild flowers. Apparently they're loving all the rain we've had.

The gloriosas (Black-eyed Susans) are biennials which sow themselves liberally. Yes, Zoey, they are rudbeckia hirta. They put on such a wonderful show! They're funny...sometimes they come back in droves and sometimes there are not many, sometimes none at all, as you experienced. Keep trying! Maybe next time you'll have better luck.

The red monarda (bee balm) looks pretty with the shasta daisies. I have several shades of monarda, the others are mostly pastel pinks and purples. I love it, and as I mentioned before, so do the bumblebees and hummingbirds. I love the scent! It's part of the mint family.

This was an unnamed lily given to us free with our first purchases in 2004 at Hawthorn Hill Farm. I just found out during last Sunday's visit that it's probably Bali Hai.

By Myself. Another one bought in 2004 from HH Farm

Cleo, which I've showed you before, is yet another from HH. She's tall at 48"

An unnamed lily I planted over 15 years ago. Pretty, soft color.

Another unnamed lily planted at the same time as the previous one. This has been such a vigorous grower and bloomer. I love the color!

Chicago Star. The bloom is huge at 8". Another from HH. It's wonderful!

This lovely pink is one of my 3 originals planted with the other 2 all those years ago. It looks suspiciously like Catherine Woodberry, which we just bought. I didn't realize this until we brought CW home last Sunday! Maybe CC a little more lilac than this one, hmmm, don't know. Some of them are so close.

Ruffled Apricot - another beauty from HH

Janice Brown from HH. She was my first choice during our 2004 was love at first sight!

You can see the clematis on the other end of the enclosed side porch. It's beginning to wind down now, but has been blooming for more than a month.
Please Ma'am, can you tell me how much is the Entry Fee and when are your gardens open to the public?
I will start saving now and hopefully I can make a visit before the end of summer, while all those magnificent flowers are still in bloom.
"Have I Told You Lately That I Love YOUR GARDEN?"
I know it rains there whenever you snap your fingers, but are you sure you didn't paint that grass green? We never see it that green here, but I know I've seen that colour in the paintshops!!!!
About the greenest thing here is my ENVY of your beautiful garden Actually, I'm just so delighted to be able to wander around with you whenever I like. Thank you, dear Kerri.
Kerry...You have outdone yourself in posting SO MANY BEAUTIFUL pictures. I just don't know how you do it on dial up. I always thought that you had DSL. You will be so amazed at the speed of DSL and you won't be sorry you got it. It will save you a lot of time on the computer.
Getting back to your pictures....Your home is surrounded by so much color. The Malva caught my eye...I think it's beautiful...and I must say that the butterfly was certainly very got such a GOOD clear picture. The last swallowtail butterfly I chased around, the cat got to it first and quickly ate the whole things, wings and all. I barely had time to get a shot of a piece of wing hanging from the cats mouth and my picture turned out fuzzy to boot.
I LOVE lillies because they are green and grow thick enough to crowd out weeds and then they bloom...And after the blooms are gone, the greenery is still around.
Don't worry about leaving comments on my site...I can understand how busy you must get because I have had difficulty stopping by everyone's blog as well and have to do it when I can. Summer is just a busy time for me, as well. But please don't stay gone too long!!!
How do you find the time to keep such a wonderful garden, so many beautiful blooms. I just keep thinking of your garden in the snow for so much of the year, now wonder you enjoy the colours while they are here. So do we! Do enjoy DSL it will make everything so much easier to post.
Sweet Kerri,
I am now totally amazed that you have been able to show us these beautiful pictures for each season on dial up!
DSL will make your computer time so much easier!!
That swallowtail is stunning, as is everything your camera captures! You have a such a gift! We are so blessed that you share it with the blogging world!
Beautiful pics.there are a lot of beautiful flowers there.Hope you blog more often now with DSL.It looks so lush where you are after all that rain you had.Such a cute kitty pic..
Beautiful pictures. The rain this year has been unbelievable, more flooding here today too. I have to wonder if it is the reason I am having such good luck keeping my plants alive! I never knew there were so many different kinds of daylilies, I'm sure I'll be adding some next year. You'll love having DSL.
wow really beautiful pics - beutiful flowers!!
I am sooooooo envious of your Black Eyed Susans...I've always loved those and yet have never tried to grow them...don't ask me why! lol Next year I will definitely look for some!! You'll love having DSL for sure and will never want to go back to dial up! lol Your flowers are ALL so gorgeous and belong in garden magazines!! Have a wonderful weekend dear Kerri and thank you for letting me know my email reached you:-) *Hugs* xoxo
Astilbe!! Thanks, Kerri, for mentioning this shade loving plant. And it's so beautiful too, usually shade loving plants are a bit on the drab side. If you have evidence to the contrary, please tell me! Our garden, due to large elm and other large trees, is mainly shade. The best sunny spot is taken up by the pool. When we first moved in we had thought we'd remove the pool - but 'way too expensive and it would have made a mess for years. So we gave up that idea, and now enjoy the pool when it gets hot.
Your thumbs must be the darkest shade of green!!! I have never seen so many beautiful flowers in my life. Your yard must look like a park from the road.
Just heard that my daughter's friend and family are moving to your area (as we speak). He's a college prof, so there must be a college near you. I think they will love living in your neck of the woods.
Very nice! Your photos lowered my blood presure...thanks for sharing. Glad I found you. You have skills!
Fab, fab, fab Kerri! I love especially the lilac Malva with the white stripes and the picture with the gorgeous butterfly! Your garden looks so lush!
Kerri, your photos are like an oasis for those of us in heat and drought! You must be one of the most patient people in the world to have made your beautiful website with dial-up - hope you enjoy the new speed!
Although it might not be the current name [the names do change a lot!], I know it as Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina' - called French Hollyhocks down here. I grow it, too, but that striped flower looks a lot happier to be in your garden.
This is wonderful. So luscious and lovely and vivid. I grow many flowers but never get tired of seeing others' gardens. Neat!
Hello Kerri ~ Your flowers are wonderful as is your photography. It's
a real pleasure to visit your blog.
I particularly like the Malva and also
that hanging basket of purple flowers.
They all look so healthy. Just lovely.
Take care, Merle.
Oh, what a lot of photos! Malva Sylvestris looks great, mine is over now.
Your garden looks green and healty!
love the Black Eyed Susans,I havent tried them yet. and the butterfly photo is just wuperb.
Hi Kerri-
Just found your blog through the link on Sue's site. Your garden is just so lovely. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past hour of looking at your beautiful photographs. You certainly have a gift for gardening and photographing.
You are going to love DSL, I am glad you are getting it. I love your posts with your beautiful photographs of your flowers. Everything looks so beautiful there. I am going to take a trip up to that area for some camping next summer!
Wow, gorgeous photos! Your garden is really breathtaking!
I am glad you are getting high speed Internet.
Have a good week!
Everything looks so lush and green Kerri, you can almost smell the grass and the flowers. Thats a beautiful shot of the butterfly. The colours of the flowers are very vibrant and the age of that lily is quite amazing.
It delights my heart to look at your pictures and read what you ahve to say about them. Its like OHHH and the next AHH.. and each one is better than the last. LOL... Wonderful photos.. amazing gardens. I love to 'armchair visit'
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