It's Vacation Bible School (VBS) week at our church and we're having a Fiesta!

Our theme is Mexican.

Here are the four amigos who made the scenery and did the decorating (with a few other helping hands)....feeling (and acting) really silly in these HUGE hats :)

That's me with another helper who had to be coaxed into the picture...he's a character.

I'm a team leader and there are 5 kids in my group. There are several teams of mixed ages, each with a leader. There's also a team of preschoolers. Here we're off to do crafts (tonight we painted VBS 2006 T-shirts)....which follows the Bible lesson. This lesson is acted out each night by a "Bible character" (and sidekick) and is a fun way to "hear" the Bible stories.

Next we play games. All the activities tie in with the Bible lesson each night...to reinforce the Bible point. These points are listed (well, a one-word reminder is listed) on the sign I'm standing next to up there....
Each team is making a blanket (just tying a fringe on a premade blanket actually). These will be sent, along with a Spanish pull-out found in the back of our workbooks...a little spanish version of our workbook. This contains our Bible stories for each night, plus activities. We also have a penny competitiion between the boys and the girls (boys are winning so far, thanks to a young man who brought a backpack loaded with pennies! And of course, he spilled them :) The money will be sent to Mexican children, along with the blankets and books.

Each night we watch a new episode of the adventures of a chipmunk named Chadder. He gets into some dangerous situations for a chipmunk, but always manages to triumph over evil, with a little help from his friends :)

We also have a life-size Chadder. Now that's one big chipmunk! The littlest kids are especially enthralled by him (who is actually a 'she').

We sing some really neat songs which really get us moving. We do actions and sign language along with the words. One of the best things about the opening and closing is we get to make lots of noise (at given moments). Whenever the song leader uses a Bible point in a sentence (e.g. Jesus is our friend) we have to throw up our arms and yell, "Viva!" It really keeps the kids listening because they LOVE to yell that out :) All in all, it's a fun week, enjoyed by children and adults alike. And hopefully we'll manage to plant a few seeds in little hearts.

Each night we watch a new episode of the adventures of a chipmunk named Chadder. He gets into some dangerous situations for a chipmunk, but always manages to triumph over evil, with a little help from his friends :)

We also have a life-size Chadder. Now that's one big chipmunk! The littlest kids are especially enthralled by him (who is actually a 'she').

We sing some really neat songs which really get us moving. We do actions and sign language along with the words. One of the best things about the opening and closing is we get to make lots of noise (at given moments). Whenever the song leader uses a Bible point in a sentence (e.g. Jesus is our friend) we have to throw up our arms and yell, "Viva!" It really keeps the kids listening because they LOVE to yell that out :) All in all, it's a fun week, enjoyed by children and adults alike. And hopefully we'll manage to plant a few seeds in little hearts.

Sounds like your church, and all the lovely volunteers, puts on a really great VBS for the kids. Kerri, you are so cute in that sombrero. I'm sure the kids had a great time at the fiesta, so here's a "Good Job, gang" to you and all the other volunteers for all your really neat effort in making this VBS a success. Looks like fun and games was enjoyed by all.
Sounds like a wonderful week all round. Lots of singing, activities, stories and having fun together. Yes, I hope some of it will be remembered long after this week ends.
Congratulations to you, Kerri, and all the other helpers. You are doing a wonderful thing. God bless you all.
I've always loved the vibrant colours associated with Mexico and you all did a wonderful job recreating that!! The children obviously are loving it and enjoying themselves very much:-) Beautiful pictures, Kerri!! HUGS xoxo
Sounds like lots of fun for all concerned. Love the hats!
You look right at home in your Mexican sombrero. The colors you've used really are vibrant. How fun for the children to learn such wonderful lessons in a fun way..
Ah, vacation bible school....I remember going when I was a child. I used to love to go every summer.
I bet all the kids really enjoyed it. You look like you had fun, too!
I'm interested in the sign language you mention, Kerri. I can see in the photo that they're using the American Sign Language sign for "love". Do you have deaf children in the group? Did you know that sign languages all over the world are different? I learned Australian Sign Language (Auslan) but wouldn't be able to understand American SL and vice versa. It all looks like lots of fun!
Kerri, you and the sombrero - great! I had one, and give it as a gift to the friend of my daughter Runa.
Kerri...your VBS week looked like a big success and I really loved your theme. I've always been attracted to those vibrant colors that remind me of growing up. I like the way everything at VBS is emphasized by using one word and by having the children holler 'Viva' every time the message is mentioned. You and other members of your church made it fun for the children to learn the lessons from the Bible.
You look so cute in your sombrero and you guys did a fantastic job in creating the little Mexican town and scenery...All of you should be very proud for your efforts in making VBS such a success. Too bad VBS only lasts one week...the kids are always beaming with excitement & are eager to tell what they've learned.
Wow! I wish we had set painters and characters like you guys have!
What a wonderful way for you to say to those kids, "Jesus loves you!".
God bless!
Kerri, there is the homepage!
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