This is our first ripe tomato, picked on August 9th. I'm sure our Southern friends have been eating them for weeks and weeks now. They taste SO good!

We're enjoying delicious beans, both pole and bush types, as well as yellow summer squash, both red and green lettuce, mesclun mix, radishes, parsley. Cukes yet to come. Some things were a wash-out due to the early rains, and had to be replanted. Would you believe we have NO zucchini?!!! Well, we do have some small plants (finally) that have survived both too much rain, and too many bugs. Maybe we'll have some zucchini before a frost kills them! We're usually begging friends to take some from us, but this year others have shared theirs with us :)

Another view of the vegetable garden. The space in the forground has just been cleared of mesclun mix that had grown too big...and weeds, which had grown huge! They really got ahead of us with all the rain we had in June and July.

My hubby planted gladiolus in the vege garden. They had to grow really tall to escape the weeds! We're still working on the weed patch to the left. The flowers looked pretty, in spite of the weeds. I planted them as a seed mix last August.

This is the little back patio. The containers and window boxes have done very nicely this summer.

The front porch is looking colorful too. You can see here where Ross and Kylie finished off the porch with these beams overhead a few weeks ago. Now it all needs to be stained.

This is the side porch. I found that trellis at a craft show and have finally decided on a home for it. I planted my new Regency clematis by it. I'm really pleased with the way these window boxes have filled out. They each have one ivy geranium, 3 petunias, and some alyssum. There's also a white million bells plant in the two on each side of the steps. Oh, and a vinca vine in all.

The coneflowers are looking lovely. They certainly give us a long period of bloom, along with the gloriosas. Both are rudbeckias.

We're enjoying delicious beans, both pole and bush types, as well as yellow summer squash, both red and green lettuce, mesclun mix, radishes, parsley. Cukes yet to come. Some things were a wash-out due to the early rains, and had to be replanted. Would you believe we have NO zucchini?!!! Well, we do have some small plants (finally) that have survived both too much rain, and too many bugs. Maybe we'll have some zucchini before a frost kills them! We're usually begging friends to take some from us, but this year others have shared theirs with us :)

Another view of the vegetable garden. The space in the forground has just been cleared of mesclun mix that had grown too big...and weeds, which had grown huge! They really got ahead of us with all the rain we had in June and July.

My hubby planted gladiolus in the vege garden. They had to grow really tall to escape the weeds! We're still working on the weed patch to the left. The flowers looked pretty, in spite of the weeds. I planted them as a seed mix last August.

This is the little back patio. The containers and window boxes have done very nicely this summer.

The front porch is looking colorful too. You can see here where Ross and Kylie finished off the porch with these beams overhead a few weeks ago. Now it all needs to be stained.

This is the side porch. I found that trellis at a craft show and have finally decided on a home for it. I planted my new Regency clematis by it. I'm really pleased with the way these window boxes have filled out. They each have one ivy geranium, 3 petunias, and some alyssum. There's also a white million bells plant in the two on each side of the steps. Oh, and a vinca vine in all.

The coneflowers are looking lovely. They certainly give us a long period of bloom, along with the gloriosas. Both are rudbeckias.
The dead oriental poppy foliage is not so attractive!
The bumble bees really love these flowers, and in the fall and winter the birds love to eat the seeds.

And finally, my hubby planted sunflowers amongst the sweet corn, to give the birds something to eat. They look pretty in the field. And we're enjoying a bit of sweet corn too!
The bumble bees really love these flowers, and in the fall and winter the birds love to eat the seeds.

And finally, my hubby planted sunflowers amongst the sweet corn, to give the birds something to eat. They look pretty in the field. And we're enjoying a bit of sweet corn too!
It's pouring rain here today and has been a very gray day. We actually need the rain, believe it or not. It's amazing how quickly the ground dries out. I do hope the sun comes out again tomorrow though. One rainy day is enough! We've had a lovely sunny week, with mild temperatures....perfect weather for gardening.
Your garden and flowers are stunning. I have never seen so many beautiful flowers before. I love the window boxes and the vines. I'm sure all the bees, butterflies, and birds will enjoy everything you have planted. I know I'm enjoying looking at all your pictures.
Isn't Ross kind to leave some sunflowers out for the birds among the corn! Your back patio must be a lovely place to sit and relax from all the hard work that your gardening surely requires...
Your flowers look so lovely and colorful. You are the lucky one having such a big veggie garden. We are not getting one thing this year.
(except a very few cherry tomatoes)
Hope the rain leaves you, but please don't send it our way! We are enjoying our summer :-)
Your garden is absolutely gorgeous! I love the window boxes and all the hanging plants on the porch. Everything just looks beautiful and welcoming. And what I wouldn't give for a real tomato and not one of the plastic tasting things we have in the stores.
Your home looks like something out of the magazine for Cottage Living! All those petunias and trailing vinca vine! Very sweet!
You and I live in the same kind of neighborhood, but farm country is new to us! We don't farm, but have moved to corn country, just this May.
A combine came out to harvest the wheat that the developer planted to keep out the weeds in the lots not sold.
We were so excited! We had never seen something like that before.
I know the guy thought I was a nut when I took his picture!!
Kerri...All of your flowers are lovely. I don't have too much luck with cone flowers, they don't seem to want to multiply. I guess they're just in the wrong place.
Your window boxes are lovely all full and hanging down, bursting with color.
We've had two days of intermittent rain & thunderstorms and I'm ready for some sunshine too.
Your tomatoes look so healthy and the first ripe tomato, Jimmy & I usually share. *S*
Our tomatoes are really doing well and we have more tomatoes than we can possibly use...but I love home grown tomatoes and snack on them every chance I get.
Kerri, do you remember the Aussie tradition? Planting tomato seedlings on Cup Day? My hubby used to aim to do that, but we just don't get much sun in our garden because of large trees.
That sunflower is magnificent!
Oh, your whole place looks lovely! All your planters and window boxes are thriving. Question about the poppy foliage you mention, but I didn't see: don't you just remove it when the flowers are gone? That's what I do with mine.
Isn't it fun to be surrounded by such wonderful colours:-) Your flowers are doing extremely well and your window boxes are glorious!! Our veggie garden is producing like mad too but the tomatoes are just now starting to ripen. We have such a short and late garden season over here!! You have a beautiful home and yard, Kerri...your own little piece of heaven on earth:-) Hugs xoxo
I am just amazed at your garden, your blog is very aptly named! And looking at a sunflower just makes me smile. No matter how foul a mood I may be in, I cant help but grin at them! Wonderful.
Kerri, you have such a lot of flowers around the house! I wish, I had a vegetable garden, and I have not! Your little patio looks so wonderful, so peaceful!
Your patio is so cute and colorful. I bet you enjoy sitting in that chair and taking it all in.
It looks like it's time for a tomato sandwich dinner. I LOVE tomoato sandwiches in August.
Mt tomatoes have been very small this year.
Kerri, your tomatos looks delicious and the vegetable garden is beautiful! The back patio and the front porch is just wonderful!! Really your house and garden are GORGEOUS!!
And also thank you so much for your many visiting and nice compliments about my place!
Hi, Kerri,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and saying hello. Your pictures are so lovely. Where is upstate New York for you?
Hi Aunty Kerri,
Your garden is mighty pretty! I'm so envious of your large sprawling farm! I hope to visit USA when I grow up.
Thank you for sharing your pictures with us.
Your house and gardens are a joy to behold! The front porch is so very pretty - makes me want to come visit right away! (Shall I bring scones and jam and cream?)
Beautiful photos again Kerri, I especially love the Echinacea purpurea and the view of your front porch along with all the colorful flowers is really stunning!
An absolutely charming garden you have! I love the colors used the containers the window boxes the vegtable garden oh just everything about your place!As I look at the photos I feel the peace and serenity you have.(I know how much work has been put into it!)The heart shaped trelis is a great addition! I enjoyed this post!
again a beautiful serie of pictures. What a garden!
Oh, how lovely!! Your life looks and sounds idyllic. I've always lived in a city, but always wanted to live in the country, and seeing your wonderful garden amid that fantastic landscape makes me long to retire to that cottage of my imagination. Not sure we're going to be able to afford a farm, though... Thanks so much for your comment on my blog.
Beautiful Kerri, thank you. I really envy you those tomatoes, you are right, nothing beats being able to pick a fresh salad from the garden.
And I loved your Fiesta pictures, it looks like a really good time was had by all...
What a lovely taste of things to come for us downunder. Spring is in the air here. The flowers are beautiful.
How did I miss this posting? I just can't get over how quickly things grow over there - from being snowed over to just a few weeks later in full bloom and fruiting. Everything is so lush and bursting with life. No wonder you don't look forward to winter.
Those window boxes and pots are simply stunning. We don't have any window boxes, but I must try harder with the pots - you and Zoey have inspired me.
Is the vegie garden Ross's domain? It too looks wonderful, bursting with goodness and health. We are currently eating the best crop of brocolli I've ever grown and it has a much nicer taste than the shop bought one. It may be a different variety, of course.
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