The lilacs bloomed beautifully this year! These lovelies are along the way on my drive to and from work. It's sad that they're almost finished blooming already.

These two lilacs are ours. There used to be another one in between, but one day a young lad who was our hired help at the time, left the tractor and manure spreader sitting in the driveway without putting the parking break on. He and my hubby were sitting on the front porch eating lunch when they saw the tractor and spreader go over the bank! That got them out of their seats pretty darn fast!
Thankfully, no damage was done to the machines, but the lilac was a write off, poor thing :)
I've been digging it's remaining shoots out ever since...grrr!

The clustered flowers are so pretty, and oh, that perfume...it smells wonderful!

Those white tulips are still blooming! They make a nice contrast coupled with the shades of purple and green.

This is looking the other way, towards the river.

This beautiful deep purple lilac is in the picturesque village of Cooperstown which is not too far from us.

And closer. Don't you love that gorgeous rich color?

And one more lovely lilac in Cooperstown.

The clustered flowers are so pretty, and oh, that perfume...it smells wonderful!

Those white tulips are still blooming! They make a nice contrast coupled with the shades of purple and green.

This is looking the other way, towards the river.

This beautiful deep purple lilac is in the picturesque village of Cooperstown which is not too far from us.

And closer. Don't you love that gorgeous rich color?

And one more lovely lilac in Cooperstown.
Kerri, I like Lilacs also. You have such a big area to plant! When I see my small garden...
Your lilacs are absolutely beautiful. My bush bloomed about three weeks ago and we enjoyed their lovely fragrance for about a week. With the cool spring we had, there was an unusually huge abundance of flowers. We don't have room for more than one bush, but we enjoy what we have. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.
I walked into the room and wondered what was the sweet perfume. It wasn't the Pea and Ham Soup on the stove, nor the compost in the new garden. Checked the blogs and found it - Kerri's fantastic Lilac photos.
They are just beautiful, Kerri, and I'm sure the perfume has wafted all the way over here on the stiff easterly breeze today.
And as if they weren't enough, you torment me with that heavenly photo of the tulips with the river in the background. Can you put a sign up in that field saying "SOLD to Alice"?
I also love lilacs and I planted a tree a few years ago in front of my computer room window...when it blooms it's all i can smell coming in through the open window. It's a shame they don't last longer than they do!! As for the white tulips...believe it or not, I had never seen white tulips before!!! They are gorgeous and now I'll be on the lookout to find some! You have such a beautiful area and it seems so peaceful and serene!! I want the plot next to Alice's lol
Breathtaking...memory inspiring...Hubby's grandmother used to have a bush...something about that scent!!
Loved your post...I think I will change my hummingbird feeder today because that commercial feed is not bringing them in...I'm going to use your recipe...the only thing is I don't have any of the red food color but I have heard you can get by without it.
Ah yes I can smell them from here! Too bad they are short lived. Mine came out in their glory last week but today I
see spent blossoms already. I have trimmed back my white lilac bush and soon the lovely fragarant lavender
ones. :( This post was a lovely tour of
lilacs! The view from your property...spectacular!!
I'm so envious of your lilacs! They are my special favorite, and I lost mine this year :-( (It was a pale lavendar color.)
It's been beautifully warm and we've been outside working a bit this evening when it's more comfortable. So much clean up to do! The air here is full of the scent of jasmine blooming. Bill says a-choo!
Lilac is the one thing l do not have in the garden- l must look for one (or two). My father-in-law has them- scent is intoxicating! Thank you for leaving a message in my blog- is nice to make new friends who enjoy the same things. The view towards the river is also lovely~ very green.
I bought a lilac tree this year (was so excited at finding one after my nan's twin gave me money for one) and planted it,Watered it, then read it flowers on this years growth.Yours look beautiful and i hope that next year mine flowers so i can get intoxicated on the sweet smelling blooms!
Kerri...I love your lovely lilac pictures. Yes, this certainly has been a very flowering spring for everything...I guess it's all the rain that we have had so far...and we've had a bunch.
Glad no one was hurt with the tractor, but the lilac.
I agree with you, Lilac smells so good. I have the purple one and a minituare one. The story of your other lilac is funny, good thing they were outside taking their lunch or the tractor could have kept rolling and damage alot of your landscape. Im a new blogger and happy to find your site. I love the pictures of your hummingbird. Everytime it comes to my deck i couldn't get a good picture... always blurry. They're just too fast for me.
I agree with you, Lilac smells so good. I have the purple one and a minituare one. The story of your other lilac is funny, good thing they were outside taking their lunch or the tractor could have kept rolling and damage alot of your landscape. Im a new blogger and happy to find your site. I love the pictures of your hummingbird. Everytime it comes to my deck i couldn't get a good picture... always blurry. They're just too fast for me.
Beautiful lilacs. My Mom has a huge bush (much like those on your way to work) which are blooming right now, also.
I also like that dark purple one.
I can almost smell them. They look wonderful. I hope you are enjoying the summer. It is cold here in tassie.
Wow Mum!
Your pics just get better and better. I love those little hummers.
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