The oriental poppies I planted last year gave us such pleasure with their magnificent blooms this spring. They've finished blooming now, but we'll look forward to seeing their huge flowers again next year.

The Johnny jump ups went crazy in this garden. I pulled most of them out last week, but they gave us plenty of early color. I love 'volunteers'...most of the time, and these flowers are always eager little volunteers.

The two plants I bought last year were unmarked, so we were pleasantly surprised to see 2 different colors blooming. I love this shade of pink!

The crepe paper-like blooms remind me of a crinoline dress my mum made for me out of pink crepe paper when I was about 6. The skirt was tiered. It was for the annual school fancy dress ball. I played dress-up with that wonderful creation until I finally outgrew it. Mum was a talented seamstress.

Cranesbill geranium. Sigrun has a large and wonderful collection of these delicate perennials. A friend recently gave me a lovely purple one, so now I have two! While the flower is delicate, the plant is not! It spreads like mad and must be divided often.

Heuchera or coral bells...a very dainty bloom.

This dark iris was a surprise. A friend gave me several iris a few years ago and this is the first time this one has bloomed. I don't know the name of it.

This one is called Beverly Sills. I love that soft peach shade.

I don't know the name of this one either, but the combination of two shades of purple is lovely.

Sweet William blooms in so many pretty colors. This soft pink is my favorite I think. Can you tell I love pink?

The white bleeding heart flower is so beautifully delicate. This bush never grows as big as the pink and blooms later.

Such a wonderful range of flowers you have, Kerri, and in such lovely colours. The first photos is beautiful with the blue and yellow against all the greenery. I've not seen a pale pink Oriental Poppy before; I actually like that better than the gaudy orange/red one. One can never have too much Sweet William and I never tire of the perfume. Everything looks so lush and healthy. Could it be all that lovely rain you are having?...LOL
They are all very beautiful!!
Your garden is sheer delight Kerri..
I loved the little mental glimpse of you in the crinoline dress. My mom was a talented seamstress also. Wish I'd inherited a portion of her sewing skills :-)
So glad your kitties are enjoying your garden as much as we do!!!
Your flowers are all soooo gorgeous and love the colours, some are so unusual!! My poppies are just starting to grow now and won't be blooming for a couple of weeks yet.
Lovely peachy poppies! I grew a similar poppy in Illinois called Queen Alexandra, or some such name - they won't grow here, so I'll enjoy yours instead, Kerri. And will not see the big hairy leaves lookin' ugly as they go dormant!
Annie in Austin
(now blogging at The Transplantable Rose)
Pretty, pretty! Gee, Kerri, I live near Philly and all the same flowers have bloomed for me already. I guess you are really up north.
Kerri, very nice, flowers look great, glad your geranium is being 'generous', they go on flowering for such a long time I forgive them for trying to take over. my big iris took a long time to flower too, maybe they don't like being moved?
Wonderful, that white bleeding hart!
Kerri, the pink Geranium is an Endressi, I think!
May be Rosenlicht!
Gosh! I have not visited your blog for a while and now I see all the scrumptious flower-, bird- and cat photos I've missed. I'll put you blog to my side bar links if you don't mind, so I can visit more often and will not miss out anymore!
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