While in Cooperstown, I took a few photos of the big maples and some flowering trees, as well as the lilacs, which I showed you in an earlier post. I was thinking of Alice when I took the photos of the red and sugar maples. We all know she has a passion for trees :)
I love the contrast of the red and green maples.

I'm guessing this is a white crabapple but I'm not good at identifying flowering trees. I'm hoping Annie in Austin will see this post and will be able to help with some names. (Annie, are you out there? :) If anyone else can identify any of the following trees, please feel free to let me know.

This picture and the following one are of the same tree. It looks like a pink flowering crab to me, but again, I'm guessing. I wonder what the little berry-like fruit are.

Could they possibly be crab apples at this time of year? And why are they wrinkled? Surely last year's fruit wouldn't still be on the tree.

This is a really pretty bushy shrub. It has a flower that looks very similar to a wild shrub that grows around here. The wild version has a paler pink, and sometimes white flower.

This tree (or maybe shrub) is a mystery to me. I don't remember ever seeing one like it before.

Here are the flowers and leaves up close. I hope some of you out there know the names of these trees and will be willing to share your knowledge!

I'm guessing this is a white crabapple but I'm not good at identifying flowering trees. I'm hoping Annie in Austin will see this post and will be able to help with some names. (Annie, are you out there? :) If anyone else can identify any of the following trees, please feel free to let me know.

This picture and the following one are of the same tree. It looks like a pink flowering crab to me, but again, I'm guessing. I wonder what the little berry-like fruit are.

Could they possibly be crab apples at this time of year? And why are they wrinkled? Surely last year's fruit wouldn't still be on the tree.

This is a really pretty bushy shrub. It has a flower that looks very similar to a wild shrub that grows around here. The wild version has a paler pink, and sometimes white flower.

This tree (or maybe shrub) is a mystery to me. I don't remember ever seeing one like it before.

Here are the flowers and leaves up close. I hope some of you out there know the names of these trees and will be willing to share your knowledge!

After 2 weeks of gloomy wet weather we finally had some sunshine on Monday, Tuesday and today, but then this afternoon, not long after Ross and I came home from work, we had another rain shower! My poor husband is beginning to despair of ever getting the rest of his vegetables planted! Our gardens are beginning to look like jungles, and the plants I meant to move while they were small are now big! Oh well, life wasn't meant to be easy! We do what we can and try not to worry about the rest.
Lots of plants are blooming now and the gardens are beginning to look pretty, in spite of needing lots of work. School will be out for the summer next week, and then I'll have more time to spend in the garden. I can't wait!
Meanwhile, I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing all the other gardens out there in Blogland that are blooming now too.
I was going to say this mystery shrub sort of looks like a wiegelia (sp?), but I'm probably wrong. Whatever it is, the bush looks as if someone likes to keep it pruned. The wiegelia that grows in the back of my house has been allowed to grow wild and unpruned so it really doesn't look this nice.
I am really enjoying all the pictures from Cooperstown. This is a lovely town and you have given us all a great view of this historic place. Thanks.
I wish I knew my trees and could tell you the names of all the ones you have in your pictures...all I know is that they really are beautiful and that town looks like a place I would love to walk through!! I really need to brush up on the names of trees and flowers! lol
You're right, Kerri, I do love trees ... so do dogs ... lol.
Thank you, your photos are as beautiful as usual. So fresh and colourful, especially against the white building.
I think the crab apple (Malus) is correct but I'm not sure what the other shrub is. It's not a weigela - their flowers tend to grow formerly along the branch rather than randomly as in these photos. The flower itself looks rather like honeysuckle, but the shrub doesn't.
Sorry it's still raining over there. I did send you our sun and now we're left with heavy frost, fogs and really cold days. At least, if you sent us your rain then we wouldn't have frosts.
Spring in Cooperstown is very lovely and you capture it well. Thanks
These tree are lovely, but I have no clue what they are!
Our little theory about the weather is now blown away. We are raining here too! (and it's two outdoor graduations this weekend)
We need some sun!!!!!
I agree with Alice...the flowering shrub is honeysuckle...it grows wild in Kentucky white and yellow colors... but my MIL has a bush just like this one in her yard.
I love all those pretty flowers and trees, but I'm also intrigued by glimpses of what look like some gorgeous, stately houses. If you happen to have your camera next time, could you maybe show me a few 'lovely Cooperstown houses' snaps?
:) Jelly
Your pictures are so colorful and pretty and I have really enjoyed your Cooperstown posts. I'm not much with plant names, so I can't be of any help to you.
We have had so much rain here that the flowers aren't as pretty this year as in years past. Everything is greener and the only thing that is really doing great is my water garden. Too much wind and rain for everything else. We have also had some VERY HOT days and accompanied by rain the flowers seem to be cooking in a steambath.
I thought the flower on that pink bushy shrub looked like honeysuckle too Alice, but the shrub didn't seem to fit honeysuckle.
And yes, the mystery tree/shrub isn't weigela...but thanks for trying MKitty. I'm inclined to suspect it's another malus (crabapple). The leaves and flowers look very similar to the crabapple above.
Thanks Tammy for your input. We'll see what the final verdict is after all the comments are in :)
Jelly, I'd be happy to take some pics of the Cooperstown houses. Some of them are really beautiful.
Thanks everyone for stopping by and for your lovely comments! Sue, send that rain on over to Alice, will you please? I sent some of ours but they still need more!
Great shots - looks like my kind of town.
Uh, oh - I might have been in TX too long to a northern shrub expert! Here are my best guesses on your absolutely gorgeous photos of this lovely town.
I don't know what the white one is. There are some white crabs, but the flowers don't open until after the leaves have appeared - could be a white flowering cherry maybe?
I think you guessed right on photos 3 & 4 as a red crabapple. Those wrinkled fruit could be leftovers from from last year. My Illinois crabapple was bred to have small fruit so the birds could eat it. The bigger fruited ones are great for jelly making, but someone has to pick them, so they sometimes hang on for ages.
The next one sure looks like some kind of honeysuckle - there are a lot of shrubby ones... think mine were Lonicera tatarica, and were in 4 or 5 different colors, but are on some invasive lists now.
Last one might be flowering quince... they have thorny spikes on them, and their bloom doesn't extend out to the ends of the branches. Another old-fashioned one for jelly!
What do you do, Kerri, wake up in the morning and put the camera strap on your neck like some of us put on our glasses??
Cooperstown looks like such a lovely place to live. Love the architecture and porches.
Can see the paper boy on his bike tossing the newspapers. :)
Kerri, I hope your results will come out ok.
on the last phot I think it looks like an ornamental quince, the fruits are smaller but still edible.
Hi Kerri, thanks for coming to my blog & for living me an encouraging words. The Coopertown seems like a good place to go for an afternoon walk. The orange tulips are just gorgeous.
The crabapple tree reminds me of the one we lost in that major Melbourne flood of December 2003. It got uprooted and fell into the pool (yes, very messy). The flowers were wonderful, and the branches would provide shade at one end of the pool. But one thing I don't miss was the constant skimming and cleaning of the pool filter due to all of the said flowers, in addition to leaves, falling into the pool.
I love those American houses with the deep front porches. I always think of comfy chairs and drinking mint juleps. Never had a mint julep but they sound good!
Hi, Kerri, wonderful photo like ever. I like this white houses and want to live in one of them. But not in a hurican.
Beautiful photos, Kerri. Cooperstown is truly a lovely place. Love the architecture of those houses and the green lawn around the neighborhood.
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