I scanned some photos today and had this idea to post photos of our farm in all seasons. Since it's winter here I'll start with that season....

No, we don't have this much snow right now...the lawn is bare again today...but no doubt we'll end up looking like this before winter's over. Remember the Christmas of 2002 all you North Easterners out there?

Alas, soft spring sunshine and pastel flowers are a long way off yet, but we can dream.....

Summer is the best of all in my opinion! Every day we can spend outside in the sunshine (or even light showers) is a gift! Lovely warm sunshine and shady trees. With the flowers come the butterflies and hummingbirds. Sitting on the porch, watching the world go by and smelling the flowers.....heaven!

Fall is such a beautiful season in this part of the country....

Hope you're all enjoying your day.