Most of our tulips have shed their pretty petals by now, with the exception of a lovely late pink clump, but I wanted to show you a few of the many pictures I took of their colorful, cheery blooms.
They began blooming on May 6th, while the daffodils were still putting on their show. 
The colors of this beauty are really striking.

On a cloudy day the blooms stay closed, but still look pretty.
Here's a long view of our north lawn.
Rosy red!
I love all their beautiful, bold colors.
This bright red clump began blooming around May 9th. They've been coming back for years, while some peter out after just a year or two. 
The last of the daffodils and hyacinths were still hanging on bravely here (Picture taken on May 10th).
Looking south
I love to lay on the grass and photograph tulips from below. People driving by must think I'm quite mad! :) 
This lovely couple are the last surviving Red Emperors.
They're bold and bright with their black throats 
I'm sad to see only a few purples left. I'll have to plant more in the fall.
The yellows are very consistent and don't seem to diminish as the years go by.
As I'm not a big fan of red and yellow together, I actually like the reds better without the daffodils. This photo was taken on May 14th. There were still a few daffodils blooming in other gardens.
The reds bloom for quite a while. 
But the fringed purplish-pink tulips get the prize for the longest blooms! They finally lost their petals just a couple of days ago.
And finally we have this lovely late pink clump, blooming with the creeping phlox (subulata, or moss phlox).
I think I planted 8 of these bulbs last year. They've multiplied well. 
There are many other things blooming at the moment and I've been having lots of fun with the camera. The lilacs are gorgeous this year, but there are no blooms at all on the red crab apples. The apple trees had very few blooms too. We must've had a killing frost at a crucial time, which killed most of the buds. The Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra) are out of this world this year! I'll post pictures of them next time.
I hope all my fellow Americans had a happy Memorial Day
Morning bells sound their call.
Pause and say a prayer for all -
All who served valiantly
that men might be ever free.
Kate Englehardt Clark
I offer grateful thanks to all our heroes, past and present,
who fought, or are fighting, for our freedom.
God bless America!