Friday, February 16, 2007

Blizzard, 2007

As most of you know, here in the Northeast we were hit with the big Valentine's Day blizzard, and we now have snow up to our ears! Well, not quite, but we have enough to last us for a good while. Our school was closed for 3 days! I don't remember that happening before during the 6 years I've worked there.

We've been pretty much house bound except for feeding the barn cats and birds, shoveling and plowing snow and feeding the furnace. Ross spent 3 hours outside on Thurday morning plowing out the driveways and around the buildings, and was back at it today. The winds were strong and frigid both yesterday and today, and filled up the plowed areas with snow again very quickly. Twice yesterday and again this morning we couldn't open the back door because so much snow had blown against it. Ross climbed into the garage through our little dutch door and went out that way to shovel the snow away from the door.

I froze my fingers taking a few photos each day.

We had the most snow on Wednesday and you can see what a gray day it was. The snow was powdery and didn't look like it was coming down very heavily, but it accumulated amazingly fast. It kept falling all through the night and eased off on Thursday morning. More light snow fell during that day and we had just a little more today.

The trusty furnace has kept us relatively warm, but the arctic winds blow in through every nook and cranny, so we've been wearing layers of clothing and sitting with blankets covering our laps, and Jasmine sharing herself between us. She makes a good lap warmer!

Jamine keeps an eye on the birds for a good part of each day.

Our flag was whipping in the wind and so were the bird feeders.

The birds came in droves to fill their tummies, trying to keep their energy level up enough to stay warm. I felt sorry for the poor little things.

There's Woody Woodpecker sitting on the line above the suet...taking a break.

The blue jays were at the feeders very early on Thursday, as they are every morning.Posted by Picasa

In the fall Ross puts wire mesh collars around our roses and half fills them with compost to help them survive the winter.

Looking out our back door on Thursday morning.

(Are you humming that old Creedence Clearwater Revival tune now....."doot, doot, doot, looking out my back door"?) I am :)

The sun shone brightly on the snow for most of the day. If the wind hadn't been so nasty it would've been quite a nice day, in spite of the cold temperatures.Posted by Picasa

I shoveled this path out more than once before the day was through.

The mourning doves were cleaning up all the seeds that the naughty jays threw on the ground.

After Ross climbed through the little door once again this morning to shovel the snow away from the back door, this is what the pile looked like. Goodness, that's a lot of snow!Posted by Picasa

You can see the roses are completely buried now. I'll prune the clematis in early spring.

There's the snowplow working this afternoon. The county workers have done a wonderful job clearing up all the snow. They sure have earned their pay this week!

You can see that the shone shone brightly again today.Posted by Picasa

We have some rather large piles of snow and high snowbanks.

That dark spot in the snow bank in the left foreground is our picnic table.

And last but not least, here are a couple of shots of the beautiful sunset we had this evening.

Posted by Picasa

I hope Apple hasn't been buried again by all this snow. She lives northwest of Syracuse where those record high depths have been recorded after all the lake effect snow that's been dumped on that area. The highest depths are further north than she is, but I know she's had more than her fair share! She calls her neck of the woods "Snowville" apt name! And they're still predicting a bit more snow for that area!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Edit: Several of you have left comments saying you couldn't see my pictures in this post and the wildflower post (I've now reloaded those pics too). I noticed when I looked in the "Edit Html" page that the "Blogger ID number", and some of the following bits of the picture code were gone from the missing pictures, so I reloaded those photos through the "Edit posts-Compose" page (I used Picasa the first time I posted them). Hopefully they won't disappear this time. Alice had these same problems recently. Has anyone else experienced similar frustrations, and if so, what solutions did you come up with? Please leave a comment if you have any advise on the subject!


Val said...[Reply]

Lovely looking at the snow in your photos...from afar!

Sigrun said...[Reply]

Kerri, what a lot of snow you have! Such a hard work to shovel all that snow at the side. But otherwise - it looks great!


Carole Burant said...[Reply]

Kerri, you are having snow like we're used to getting here in Northern Ontario but this winter we have barely had any snow at all! In fact, it hasn't snowed here in about a month...we haven't even used our snowblower yet this year! What snow we do have on the ground is only about an inch or two deep and the only reason it's still there is because it's been too bitterly cold to melt! lol Hopefully you guys won't be getting too much more, I can imagine how sick you are of it by now! Bring on Spring!!! Hugs xox

Motherkitty said...[Reply]

The little dusting of snow we had overnight looks sickly compared to the great piles you received. We haven't had a snow like that in several years. I'm glad you are staying relatively warm and toasty but you are also doing a lot of hard work shoveling and clearing. Does husband have to clear the roofs of snow so they don't collapse?

Spring can't be too far away (only a month or so) and I hope this will be the last big storm you have.

Hope your kitties are keeping warm in the barn.

Have a great weekend.

Judypatooote said...[Reply]

I don't know why but a few of the pictures won't come in, they are little boxes with an x in the middle.....we are getting more snow again today....and I have to drive to my daughters and then she is going to drive to a stage play, that I bought tickets for us to go's her birthday pres. but man, I sure do wish I could stay Joseph and technicolor dreamcoat....and I cana't wait to see it, but I wish it could come to well keep warm.....judy

Susie said...[Reply]

You weren't kidding when you said that you were "digging out" Goodness, I had to bring Bill in to see these pictures and we are both amazed at the amount of snow! Wish we could lend you guys a hand or at least send you some of our warm sunshine!
Stay as warm as you can and I hope that you've now had the worst of it and can begin to get ready for spring.
Won't it take that much snow a long time to melt??

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Kerri, you ought to put this post on a disk, so if your grandchildren ask about snow, you can show them the valentine's day storm of 2007!
We had snow all day on Wednesday, but only ended up with 8 or 9 inches. The amounts are quite often less here along the southern Maine coast.

Val said...[Reply]

I remember when I first came across your blog, I couldnt believe the amount of snow you live through in the winter. What a harsh environment, but beautiful too. No wonder you enjoy the flowers in summer!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

very nice pics!

TJ said...[Reply]

blogger is being a brat and I can't see all of your pictures...although it looks quite the same here...and after you shovel it is up to our!!

Linda said...[Reply]

Oh my - those pictures look so familiar. I can remember those days when seeing the guy come to plow out the driveway was the highlight of the day!! It really does look beautiful, but I confess I prefer our 67 degree day. I loved the snow as a kid, but I think I'm way past snowmen and sleigh riding and snowmobiling.
Take care, keep warm and before you know it spring really will be here.

Annie in Austin said...[Reply]

This does bring back memories of one Valentine's Day blizzard; there were only a few inches of snow when a Valentine bouquet was delivered, and the kids managed to get home from school, but in the days before cellphones, there was nothing to do but worry until my husband got home 6 hours late. At least you knew Ross was okay!

Kerri, I also see only 4 photos showing in your post: the barn, woodpile, birds coming in droves and woodpecker...but these are enough to see how lovely it is, while feeling sympathy for you, Ross and the birds!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Beverly said...[Reply]

That is more snow than I would ever want to see. I just can't imagine.

Sharon said...[Reply]

I am in Ohio and I have the same look out side my windows. Glad you went out and took the pictures for me to enjoy. Stay warm and think spring my friend.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Wow! Lots of snow for you! I think that storm left a few flakes here in COlorado, but obviously you got the brunt of it!

Alice said...[Reply]

I left a long comment yesterday but I see that it's now disappeared along with most of your photos.

They are/were great photos too, Kerri. Pity all that snow wasn't something deliciously edible and calorie free.

TJ said...[Reply]

I'm back...and so glad you were able to load the pictures...they were awesome...we had heavy snow with drifts but I don't think they were quite as deep as yours!!
Keep warm!!

Alice said...[Reply]

Glad the photos are back. Well worth the effort - even if it is a pain in the .......

JunieRose2005 said...[Reply]


My first time here. I have seen you around on lots of blogs I visit!

Wow! That snow is hard to believe! But what lovely pictures ! :) I also went back at looked at your beautiful spring flowers! Bet you're looking forward to that!

Enjoyed my visit here.


Susan Tidwell said...[Reply]

Brrr! It makes me cold just looking at these pictures. I wonder now if you wish the furnace was not outside? Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Try to stay warm and hopefully spring is just around the corner.

Pear tree cottage! said...[Reply]

O! Kerri and here I was this weekend sitting on a beach enjoying the sunshine. and to think under all that snow is a beautiful summer garden.

I know it must be so very hard to live with but you know it is ever so beautiful and I love the photos.

Now! may I pour you a big mug of hot chocolate.....:o)

Keep warm (or at least try to)

squire said...[Reply]

I can not imagine dealing with that much snow.

Sissy said...[Reply]

You have such great birds!!
I don't care who says what. I have never seen a beautiful snow picture. I cannot stand the site of it by this time!!
Soon, it will melt and and we will be free of it! I dare not complain too much, poor Apple has it far worse than we do, here!!

Annie in Austin said...[Reply]

Kerri, I can see the photos now and they're wonderful! Although that looming drift of snow over the door would make me hurry when moving through that area!

Sissy had a link on her site to the GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT, and today's the last day to do a 15-minute watch & tally. Were you planning on adding your multitudes of wonderful birds to the list?

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...[Reply]

I'm glad that you are staying warm and although I do love snow, it is a lot of hard work keeping paths & roadways cleared. Keep warm and stay safe.

Naturegirl said...[Reply]

For someone who has NOT seen ~SNOW~ you certainly have posted enough for one to get the idea!I am in Florida and complaining about 60 degree weather but you have reminded me to count myself lucky to be away from our snow and COLD in Canada!
I loved viewing the photos of the birds feeding.. looks like the activity back home..natureboy assures me he is filling up feeders and of course tossing nuts out to Maggie! Thank you Keri..stay warm..hugs NG

Anita said...[Reply]

Kerri, I finally see all the snow photos, oh my! You really live in a winter (wonder)land these days!

I can hardly believe that over here, it's almost spring now... I had such a great week-end in the sun!

I send you my most warmest wishes ... and say hello to Woody Woodpecker when you see him next time!

bigbikerbob said...[Reply]

Hi, you are so very lucky, I'm really jealous of your garden and even more so of the beautiful birds you have in it.They are two of my hobbies but i'm afraid the size(and amount of cats)dont allow me to do much bird feeding, Keep up the good work, spring is not too far away.

Midlife Mom said...[Reply]

Hi Kerri, Love all the pictures of your snow! Am jealous though we only have about 10 or 12 inches so far this winter and need more for skiing and snowmobiling here in Maine. I got your blog from Susie, I am a new blogger and want to meet nice people so stop by and say hi if you get a chance!

HORIZON said...[Reply]

Thanks for reloading the pics Kerri.
Wow- l really have to take my hat off to you dear friend- what a winter wonder land!!! So deep - how must you drive to get to the shops?
Lovely to see the birds getting some food when it is like this outside.
We have heard a bit on the news over here about NY's weather and l thought about you when l heard it.
These pictures speak a thousand words though.
Stay warm and safe.
Spring is not so far away, Spring is not so far away- go on, say it with me :)

Anonymous said...[Reply]

All I could think of when looking at your photos was poor Ross! I'm sure he didn't enjoy having to be out there for hours on end in that brutal wind. Amazing how much snow fell in just a few hours! My intrepid husband climbed up onto the roof for three days straight trying to keep it clear. Somehow he'd clear it, but the next day there'd be piles more snow up there again, probably from the drifting. In any event, it's a whopping 35 degrees here today and I notice considerable melting, so perhaps we are over the worst of it. And the groundhog says we're going to have an early spring this year -- let's hope that's true! :)

Barbee' said...[Reply]

Kerri, I am intrigued by your furnace. I wish you would do a post about it; if you have already and I just haven’t found it – would you direct me to it?

Is it hot water heat that is piped underground into your house, if so where is the pump? And is radiant heat in the baseboards or in the floor, or radiators, or…?

Is the furnace tight and slow burning, if so how often does it have to be stoked? I figure once in the morning then again in the evening to keep the water warm all night – just guessing.

Back in the early 1970’s, Underground Housing, Popular Science, and Organic Gardening Magazines ran numerous articles about energy conserving designs of homes, greenhouses, cold frames, and heating systems. I found it fascinating! And, I still have the articles.

Boxwood Cottage said...[Reply]

Oh my oh my so much snow Kerri! I bet it is still there! Great winter pictures! Our snow lastet only 1 weekend lol

Geraldo said...[Reply]


I lived in upstate New York for 2 years on the '80s and, believe it or not, living in Brazil, I miss the white Winters.
I love your bird pictures. I have a feeder on my front yard and, having tried for some time now, I know how hard it is to get a good picture of these always busy creatures!

Cris said...[Reply]

Kerri, you have such beautiful snow, I have never been able to see that much snow, at least once in a lifetime I would like to just be able to be at a place that snows that much. It's been sooo hot here... I long for colder days!

Midlife Mom said...[Reply]

Hi again,

I had to look at your picutres again. They are wonderful! Your bluejays look darker then ours here in Maine. My cats like to watch the birds and squirrels too and make little chattering noises. We still don't have much snow here, send us some of yours!

Tanya said...[Reply]

I love looking at those snowy pictures. It makes me crave a cold, snowy winter - especially when it's so hot and humid over here. Despite all the white in those pictures, everything looks so cosy and warm.

Do you have any problems with excess snow accumulating on the roof of your house? I imagine that would get pretty heavy (as in weight) at times.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...[Reply]

I loved the sunset and bird pictures, the rest of the snow not so much. LOL. As much as I would love to have your wood furnace I don't envy you having to feed it in weather like that. You really did get it much worse than us on Valentines day!

Some of my pictures on my work blog disappeared and I had to reload them through imageshack. I switched to imagesahck when my blogger pictures disappeared! Very frustrating. Since you are using picasa it must be a blogger glitch.