The purple striped crocuses/croci (take your pick...the dictionaries list both!) are still blooming in the Lilac Garden shown above, where Hannah is investigating.

Scilla sibirica (Siberian Squill) also blooms in the Lilac Garden.
That rich blue makes it a lovely companion plant for the daffs.
It spreads itself around liberally and is easily moved to fill in other spots.
These little beauties are almost finished now, but they've been putting on a wonderful show by the side porch. They're especially beautiful in the late afternoon sunlight. There are 2 varieties here.
The lawn began greening up at the beginning of April as the first crocuses began to bloom. If you enlarge this photo you'll be able to see the red flowers on the Maple tree.
Here they are closer. Aren't they pretty?
There's a little clump of white crocuses in this garden.
These purple striped crocuses are a different shape to the ones in the Lilac Garden.
I love to see them in the glow of the afternoon sunshine.
This clump of sweet snowdrops is still hanging on, but they're almost finished and not looking as good as they did 5 days ago when this photo was taken.

One of my favorite springtime views is of the daffodils backlit by the late afternoon sun. I find it very hard to capture....
....but I keep trying.
I'm always reminded of William Wordsworth's poem,
The Daffodils,
which begins.....
I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils,
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
You can read the entire poem here if you'd like to.
It makes me think of my father, as it was one of his favorites.
gorgeous photos! Crocus are always so charming. I can't wait to see mine!
It really does look like Spring in your crocus are now dead, and my tulips are just leaves so far...your yard looks so neat and clean....I adore clean... that picture of Hannah and the crocus is one perfect picture.... It's nice to stop by and say hi... You have always been on my favorites but I just added you to the blog list that lets me know when you write a new post.... sunny days to you.....judy
Your crocus patches are so joyous.I was glad to see them, as somehow I missed out on crocuses this year. Don't know where they have gone.
The group photos are particularly lovely.And what a lot you have.NY state has definitely caught up, in spite of the cold wind.
Lovely photos, Kerri, especially the last photo with Hannah. The purple striped croci/crocuses are beautiful. And bees! It must be warm there if you have bees already.
Wordsworth's poem is one of my favorites, too; I don't think anyone else captured the image of daffodils on a spring day quite as well.
Can you believe that I don't have any crocus/croci planted in my garden? Silly me. I think I want those purple striped ones like yours. I'm so glad to see blossoms return to your spring chilly garden.
Love your photos and love your blog. I have my first blooms ever in my new gardens. The house we bought did not have anything planted in the yards but grass. Imagine!! So I've been having a ball filling in my blank canvas.
You have such a beautiful spot to live and to photograph. Thanks for sharing with us.
Such beautiful Crocuses, Daffodils,
and Snowdrops. Happy bloom day!
Spring is surely showing beautiful signs.
Kerri, Love, love , love all the wonderful crocus...Every photo was lovely...but the final one with Hannah having a good sniff, was perfect! Btw, No, I have never seen blue pollen on a bee before! That was a great capture! Have a good week! Gail
Your pictures are lovely and remind me that I need more bunches of crocus in the garden and more colors! The coming weekend warmth will no doubt melt mine but yours look so wonderful. I love the long shadows and light levels at this time of year don't you?
I love all of your crocuses. You have such a nice variety. Your groupings of daffodils just say spring!
How lovely, Kerri ~ spring has found you ... daffs & crocus especially stunning!
Thank you for sharing yours, because mine are almost gone and they don't stay long enough. Yours are so bright and beautiful, more varieties of crocuses than I have. Love them all!
With your blooms for inspiration, I really will remember to stop and smell the flowers.
Hope life is treating you well Kerri.
XO Jelly
Arent those big yellow daffs just the most joyful sight first thing after the spring thaw?? I feel like your sweet kitty smelling the crocus too. I just want to get my nose down into them. What lovely clumps of crocus you have.
nodding yellow heads
assure sunshine
during spring thaw
Your Spring bulbs are so beautiful that I could almost wish that Spring would come to a standstill, but that would be too cruel, not only to you, Kerri, but also to those of us who are looking forward to your usual Summer magnificence.
The colours are so vibrant and startling - they are a glorious welcome to the new season.
I hope you have many, many perfect gardening days.
Daffs, Crocuses, and Scillas! Wow! That's a perfect spring, Kerri. I learned from someone in Germany that Scilla wouldn't do well in hot climates :( Too bad that I can't have them, but I still can enjoy the photos from your wonderful Garden!
Loved your photos. Hannah makes the garden look that much nicer. She's a lovely cat. I'm sure she prefers the country life to NYC.
What beautiful spring bulbs! I love the bee pictures, especially the one where you can catch the bee's eye as he's bending to the blue flower. And the cat with his nose to the flowers -- that's a wonderful picture too.
Great Bloom Day post! I always enjoy visiting your blog, your posts are wonderful.
What beauty! And thank you for the poem, too. I met Hannah at your daughter's apt in the city (I'm a friend from Ithaca), and she is such a sweetie! But guess she terrorized poor Ilse. She looks perfectly at home with the crocuses. Thanks for the lovely bloom day cheer.
Further thoughts: a question... do you think Hannah remembers the farm?
Gorgeous flowers, Kerri!
I'm finding it interesting how you all seem to have more snow than we do (maybe lake effect?) but you seem to be a bit ahead of us. No daffadils here yet..maybe next week and your maples look a bit further along.
Do you find that your cats kill many birds? We have a new cat and he is a very good mouser, but also seems to enjoy way too many birds for my liking. I think he will have to become an inside cat as it breaks my heart to see him snacking on one of my birdy friends.
LOVE the purple-striped crocus with the orange centers ... I've ben reading lots of posts about crocus ... I'll have to try those next year. Your photos are always so vivid Kerri.
I LOVE these photos!!!
What a beautiful post :)
Happy Bloom Day Kerri (a little bit late!) Your garden is looking so pretty and springy. I love the combination of blue & yellow like you've created with the scilla and daffodils. I don't have any scilla planted but I think I'm going to write it on my fall wish list because of you. (along with more varieties of crocus ~ you have such a nice collection) So interesting about the blue pollen sac on the bee ~ I've never seen a color other than yellow?? We should do research on that! Interested to hear the story about your city cat/turned country too. I bet he's happy about that turn of events! It's so nice to have actual outdoor blooms for bloom day isn't it? Enjoy the spring weather & blooms. It was in the 70's here the beginning of the week and now we're under a winter storm watch!
Ohhhhhhhhhh, they are soooo beautiful....
Kerri, what beautiful flowers! What a pity they wont grow for me but I'll enjoy them on your blog :)
Hannah looks really happy among the flowers. What a change for her from the big city ways :) didn't even take a week. Today we had some daffs open up and I noticed that maples were starting to pop. Spring is here!
What wonderful splashes of colour all your spring flowers are making.
I am totally entranced by the picture of the bee with blue pollen sacs - what a great shot that is.
Kerri it is so wonderful to see the spring flowers in your gardens once again. I certainly admire all the different types/color crocus you have.The yellow are so sunny looking they just make me smile and the striped ones are very unusual.
My Daffy's are blooming now and the new ones I planted last fall are delightful. They have an orange center.
I am looking for some old fashioned Narcissus bulbs. There used to be one with narrower petals than the newer ones. Mom had some in her garden years ago, White petals with a short yellow trumpet that was fringed with red. These are wonderfully fragrant.
If you know of an outlet where I can get some plese let me know.
Hi Kerri,
So glad to see that spring has finally made it to you! Your pretty spring flowers are just such a day brightener. We have such heat here today and they're predicting more for the next few days. With little rainfall, we're going to be very dry quite soon.
Enjoy your pretty spring days!
great shot of your kitty with the crocus! is it warmer up there yet? this weekend was glorious here, but now the cold is coming back! your insect shots are really good!
I love all your Daffodils and Crocuses. They just seem to shout "Spring!" Happy Bloom Day a little late.
I just stumbled across your blog and love it. I grew up on a farm in upstate New York and miss it so much.
In England I think they celebrate Wordsworth devotion to the daffodil every year in their Lake district. I think.
Your are fabulous and so is the kitty.
Such a beautiful post, showing all the splendour of Spring, dear Kerri! And thank you for the link "classic poetry aloud" which I also enjoyed very much (to hear a poem with closed eyes is different thant just reading it ;-) !!). Have a lovely Sunday and then a good start into the new week,
Kerri, I'm so glad Spring has finally come to NY...your photos show it to be giving you a lovely show!!! I hope it gets warmer and more beautiful as the flowers continue to pop up and you get out and garden more and more! I just love getting my hands dirty and digging down in the soil! My nails are pretty much non-existent right now, as I tend to pull weeds and get right down deep in the dirt without gloves! Have a wonderful day dear Kerri!! Jan
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