Joyful flowers back to the gardens.
Just 6 days ago the fields were pale shades of green.
We've had a few days of unseasonably hot weather since then, and the greens are brightening.
The lawn has turned bright green and is ready to mow for the first time this year.
In the neighbors' barn....

Trays of seedlings line these shelves that my dear hubby made for me.
I hadn't expected such a large and handsome set of shelves.
My plan was to start fewer seeds than last year, but with so much space I ended up starting more! Who could resist?
He also added a second shelf to the plant light I used last year.

My 2 African violets haven't bloomed all winter, but since I moved them to the shelves this one has begun blooming....

.....and the other one has buds forming. I've also begun feeding them African violet food whenever I water them. Apparently they're happy with this treatment.
I've had quite a battle with aphids on some of the seedlings, and eventually ended up spraying them with an insect killer (outside) after trying a few other friendlier methods, including a mild soap and water spray and picking the little beasts off with tweezers. The soapy water killed the tiny seedlings and the hand picking was far too tedious and time consuming. The spray seems to be keeping them under control. If anyone has other advise on combating the critters I'd be happy to hear it.

I began this post over a week ago and just haven't had the time or energy to finish it until now. Days are busy with work and gardening, and my poor tired brain won't function well these nights.

Unfortunately, the bloom time of a lot of the daffodils was shortened as well,
The pink hyacinths added their color a few days after the blues began blooming.
Did you notice the robin? I managed to get a little closer for this shot.
This little clump of daffodils marks the site of an old compost pile where these bulbs were tossed long ago. I thought they were no good at the time, but they survived and have bloomed for many years since, making me smile each time I see them.
Spring is a time of yellow.......
bringing the bright yellow plumage back to the American Goldfinches.
....and misty mornings.....
....golden afternoons....
.....soft evening light as the sun sets....