Only a few tough survivors are blooming in our November garden. Most of the garden beds look like the little Rose/Clematis garden in the photo need of much tidying up.
In the middle of this garden is a patch of Homestead Purple Verbena, still valiantly producing a few dainty blooms (Click to enlarge photos for detail). I've grown this annual in our zone 5 garden for several years, and love the way it blooms continually until the really cold weather sets in. It also self-sows, which is an added bonus in the spring. The burgundy leaved Heuchera gives a nice contrasting color.
There's Reuben, faithful furry friend, keeping me company, as usual.
Also still bravely blooming is the white Alyssum, and a little further over, not in the picture, a few clumps of purple Alyssum still look good. That 'Sweet Alice' is one tough girl! She doesn't let the cold weather get her down. :)
While I was photographing the Verbena in yesterday's morning sunshine, I was amazed to see 3 busy little bees buzzing happily between the flowers.
Reuben kept nudging me gently, but insistently, to pat him while I was trying to get a few close-ups. It's a rare occasion when I'm able to do this undisturbed by a furry friend. They need their cuddles. Right here, right now! 
The front gardens are devoid of flowers, except for......
...the trusty little Johnny Jump Ups....
.....and a few clumps of Cerise Queen Yarrow - another tough plant. Have you noticed that each of these hangers on are small flowers? 
Walking around to the other side of the house I found just one small pansy blooming. It was in the shade so I left it alone and took a photo of the Daisy garden instead, to show you what it looks like now. (Actually I didn't want to get down on my hands and knees in the wet grass). The Stewartstonian Azalea has beautiful fall coloring. I need to do some tidying here too.
For the past month the containers have been stored in the garage, and I've been gradually emptying them. As you can see, quite a few plants are still blooming in spite of the low light.....which is truly amazing to me. The plant above is a light purple Osteospermum (African or Cape Daisy) 
Here's another one - Nuanza Copper Purple. I love this color! In the background is Biden.
Here's a closer shot of the Biden, which bloomed non-stop all summer. Also in this container, which has been one of my favorite combinations, is Alternanthera, a lovely, burgundy filler....
...and Nemesia, Rasberry Sachet, another plant I love dearly.
Just look at the afternoon sun shining through those deep red leaves! I've been potting up cuttings of some of these plants. I'll let you know if they're successful. 
Here's a lovely Calibrachoa (Million Bells), still looking pretty.
I'm having a very hard time pulling these containers apart while some of the plants still look so good.
Here's Calibrachoa, Colorburst Deep Blue, next to the pinkish purple one shown above.
This lovely Abutilon lived on the front porch and bloomed all summer. It's back inside now, and still blooming!
The Fuchsia, Marinka, still has a few blooms and hopefully will overwinter as well as it did last year. 
The red Tuberous Begonia shows off its last couple of single flowers after producing gorgeous doubles all summer.
The Cyclamen has bloomed delightfully for most of the summer but now the leaves are beginning to yellow and the blooms are fading. I guess it needs a rest after all its hard work.
Marimba Ivy Geranium
All the geraniums (actually Pelargoniums) have been brought inside. I hope they'll overwinter successfully, as most of them did last year.
Butterfly Ivy G. 
Lambada Ivy G.
Pale pink Zonal Geranium
Taj Mahal Ivy G.
This beautiful pink Ivy Geranium has no name tag, but it's been my favorite this past summer - blooming abundantly and looking lush all season. And it still looks good! 
The garden may be looking drab outside, on this rainy mid-November day, but at least we'll have some blooms inside to keep us happy through the long, cold winter months ahead.
Happy Bloom Day everyone!
Please visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see what's blooming in other corners of the world.