The snowdrops are finally open!
Marion, my dear blogging friend of Reflections Through the Seasons, has tagged me to write about Why I Enjoy Blogging.
She lives in a quaint seaside village in Wales, and posts glorious photos of the picturesque countryside, as well as her beautiful gardens. Just this week she shared photos of their wonderful old village church, dating back to the 1200’s, with it’s historic Rood Loft and Screen.
It’s people like Marion who draw me to blogging. One of the things I most love to do is chat with friends, but I’m not particularly good at taking time to visit. In my free time I almost always seem to have something I want to get done at home, especially during the gardening season. Blogging gives me a way to visit with many friends during the quiet hours of the day, when there’s time to relax and enjoy a little recreation.

Roses still covered, surrounded by Snowdrops
I’ve always enjoyed corresponding with friends, and blogging is such a wonderful way to do this. In commenting on posts we can send just a few words of encouragement, appreciation, or just a simple hello…as often as we have time for. That’s the beauty of a comment….it can be short and sweet, or a bit longer as time allows.
Blogging has given me friends in far off places, and some who live closer. These are people I would otherwise never have the chance to know, and some have become very dear to me. This is a strange phenomenon about blogging…that we can feel so close, and care so much about people we’ll most likely never meet.
I can travel via the Internet to their homes on any given day, and see what they’re up to, find out what the weather is like compared to ours, and know what’s on their minds. I often find inspiration in my travels.
Blogging has opened up my world and taught me more about geography, climate, human nature, photography, computers, and so much more. I particularly enjoy knowing what the weather is doing in other parts of the world.

Such delicate white blossoms, yet they brave the snow!
It’s amazing how much I’ve learned about gardening especially….this being the subject that attracted me to blogging in the first place. Often in everyday life we don’t have the chance to share what’s growing or blooming in our gardens with like-minded people who truly share our passion. But with blogging we can! What a pleasure it is to find others as enthusiastic in their appreciation for a beautiful bloom, bud, sprout or whatever! And oh, the plants I’ve discovered!
Birds are another passion that’s so much fun to share. I never, ever tire of seeing, and reading about the birds others have spotted and photographed.
And then there are the cats, dogs and other animals that share our lives. I’ve always loved animals and have a particular fondness for cats, as you can guess by all the cat photos I love to post.

Looking up

I am so much more aware of what’s going on around me and have a more intense interest and curiosity in everything, because I’m seeing from another’s point of view. Digital photography makes it so easy to share any subject, and seeing all the beautiful photos that others post shows me other parts of our world on a personal level, not just pictures in magazines.
And there are so many wonderful writers! I wish I could mention all my favorites, but there are so many. You’ll find their links on my sidebar if you have some time and want to browse.
In a nutshell, blogging allows me to share, in a very pleasant way, the everyday lives of my blog friends, develop new and satisfying relationships, and learn new and exciting things about this fascinating world we live in, all thanks to my computer and the amazing Internet.
Isn’t technology a wonderful thing?
I'm going to tag Alice, Val and Apple. I hope you won't hate me for it! If you're too busy, or simply don't feel like it, don't worry about it. Otherwise, take your time, and enjoy jotting down a few thoughts about the wonderful world of blogging.
We're off tomorrow to see the kids for a few days, so I'll catch up with all of you when we come back.
We had two large flocks of geese arrive today! And I saw my first crocuses! So spring must really be coming.
It looks like you have the same type of annual flooding that we have, at least I hope it's no more than that. I had a wonderful walk along the Oneida today but that wind was COLD.
I enjoy blogging for many of the same reasons as you and a couple of different ones. I'll write something about it this weekend.
They are calling for beautiful weather this weekend - enjoy!
Hi Kerri,
It's lovely to see you do a meme and this was a delightful one. I enjoyed reading all the reasons you blog and found myself nodding in agreement with so many of them. The friendships we make through blogging are such precious treasures!
All your photos are gorgeous as usual.
Enjoy every moment of your getaway.
love and ((hugs))
ur snowdrops are really elegant..loved them completely!!! and yes internet has flattened the world for us ...and technology is a great enabler..happy blogging!!! :)
Very well said Kerri! Your snowdrops are gorgeous!
All your blogging friends are so very happy that you discovered blogging and we're very happy we discovered you. I always enjoy visiting you and learning more about your interesting life in upstate New York. Love your kitties, love your garden, and love your birds. These are also my favorite areas to write about, in addition to my family.
Have a wonderful visit with the kids and we'll look for you when you return. Maybe the snow will all be melted by that time.
You have so many lovely clumps of snowdrops, Kerri, and must have a talent for increasing flowers in the same way you increase your blogger friends!
This was great to read, beautiful to see, and so true - our lives have been enriched and expanded ... what Moi said is pretty interesting, "internet has flattened the world for us". We can things so far away from our computers, can't we?
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
It so wonderful to be able to share our similar seasons but across the world. Your winters are longer though, as our lovely snowdrops are over now in UK, but the daffodils are extra lovely this year. Not long now, Kerri!
You said it better than anyone I've seen so far!
Great Post!
Kerrie, I can tell this post took a lot of thought. You said it all so beautifully.
Have a good trip.
That was a real treat to read Kerri! l too enjoy popping in to see how my blogging friends are feeling. l always enjoy coming here to your blog to see the wonderful pictures of your farm, family and landscape. You always write down your thoughts so well- l am learning from you all the time! You are such a thoughtful blogger Kerri and it really shows in this post! Bests xx
ps- l'm dropping on my feet here tonight so will be calling it a day. love and hugs dear friend.
Kerri, I admire your snowdrops and the photos you have taken of them!
I am as well glad to learn that "spring has finally sprung" in your area! Welcome back to gardening!
love the snowdrops, they are finished here now and the daffodils are being cheery.
Your snowdrops are beautiful...I was all excited yesterday when I noticed some of my crocuses, tulips and daffodils are starting to come up! Such hardy little plants with buds already even though they were buried beneath snow until just a week ago!! I loved reading why you enjoy blogging...I agree with everything you said about it!! Have a great time with your family:-) I'm off to the Sugar Bush this weekend!! xoxo
There can never be too many snowdrops at this time of the year.
Thanks for all yours.
"Blogging has opened up my world and taught me more about geography, climate, human nature, photography, computers, and so much more. I particularly enjoy knowing what the weather is doing in other parts of the world."
I totally agree with you Kerri. I had no idea how people gardened in the Northern Hemisphere until I started blogging. And the fact that they have to put up with snow!!!!
Great photos and I'm looking forward to see what keeps popping up in your garden.
I loved seeing those little sno-drop flowers! I didn't know of them before!
The flowers are just exquisite Kerri. They look so fragile, and yet they have such hardy strength to push up through all that cold earth and snow. Just lovely.
You did a great job on this post - stating so well the special feeling we all have about one another. It's hard to explain to people who don't blog, but it is a wonderful experience.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on blogging and I heartedly agree. I tagged Marionfor the meme who I count as a dear, wonderful friend.
The picture of your Snowdrops is beautiful.....
your photos of the snowdrops are beautiful..
I always enjoy your posts so much...such pretty flowers after a long winter!
Hi Kerri,
Blogging is so much more fun having good friends like you to visit. You always have such lovely photos of your birds or flowers.
Take care,
Hi Kerri,
I really enjoy your posts.... and your snowdrops are lovely!!!!!!
Hi Kerri, I hope you are enjoyed time with your family. The snowdrops are beautiful and hopefully your snow is about gone by now. I enjoyed reading your post so much. So much of it is so true for me also. Thanks for sharing.
Dear Kerri,
We've got flowers coming up but not so much as a bud showing yet.
I'm glad you like blogging because I do enjoy all the pictures from around your garden and home.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello, Kerri!
What a beautiful work you have! thank you
have a good week
I live on a regular daily route of Canada geese and ducks. It's always pleasant to step out to watch them in flight and to hear their honking as they pass overhead. We live between two sources of water.
I really enjoyed your meme and nobody could have said it any clearer about this wonderful world of blogging. I would have never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be coresponding daily with people around this world of ours and doing my visiting in the late evening hours to boot, when things are quiet and my day is coming to a close. I also have learned so much from so many wonderful bloggers like yourself.
Your snowdrops are very pretty and I hope that you are having a wonderful time visiting your family.
Kerri, what an absolutely lovely post, it is my favorite so far since I found your site! I agree with so many things you expressed but you said it so much better then I ever could. I can't wait for our summer to begin so I can share with you our lovely Northern Maine flowers. Your snowdrops are just beautiful, what a picture! Thank you for sharing such lovely thoughts.
Nice thoughts about blogging. I am a newbie at this, but have already learned so much from others. I also loved the woodpecker post!
Happy Easter to you Kerri.....we are back into the freezing weather with black ice and accidents all over.....probably all the new flowers coming up will be Kapooot... I am waiting for the star of bethleham to open.... they grow wild in the field next to me and in my back garden.....they only bloom once and in the spring so i hope the frost didn't get to them...... judy
I so enjoyed your reasons for blogging and can relate to many of your comments.It does amaze me how we can feel connections to people whom we have never met in person..only by their words and images that they post!Love your image of the lake with snow melting ...we just recieved a
it had all melted.
Happy Easter Kerri to you and your family!hugs NG
Hi dear Kerri, I always enjoy your blog! Nice and wise thoughts about blogging. Have a happy and lovely Easter!
Lovely blog and have a great and blessed easter
Kerri, I hope we meet one day, if not, I feel so blessed already to have known you through blogging!
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