January 14th is my one year blog anniverary! It's been a fun year getting to know so many wonderful friends all over this big wide world. Blogging sure makes the world seem smaller!

January 14th is my one year blog anniverary! It's been a fun year getting to know so many wonderful friends all over this big wide world. Blogging sure makes the world seem smaller!
Our beautiful snow has all disappeared again, washed away by rain and warmer temperatures (45ºF today/7ºC). This picture was actually taken last Saturday, during a really heavy downpour. We had steady rain during night, but only a little today. They're predicting freezing rain for later in the week. That means ice, and we hate ice (unless it's soothing a sore muscle)! Snow is preferable to ice any day.
Our beautiful snow has all disappeared again, washed away by rain and warmer temperatures (45ºF today/7ºC). This picture was actually taken last Saturday, during a really heavy downpour. We had steady rain during night, but only a little today. They're predicting freezing rain for later in the week. That means ice, and we hate ice (unless it's soothing a sore muscle)! Snow is preferable to ice any day.

Tuxedo jr.
Yesterday we gave away 3 of our beloved cats. Tux Jr., his handsome brother, Max, and Abigail, one of Zoey's daughters. If you click the link you'll see Zoey with her babies.

Tuxedo jr.
Yesterday we gave away 3 of our beloved cats. Tux Jr., his handsome brother, Max, and Abigail, one of Zoey's daughters. If you click the link you'll see Zoey with her babies.
One of our neighbors, Danny, called and asked if we still had any cats we wanted to 'share'. He boards cows and raises some heifers, and had recently noticed a very large rat in his barn, along with the usual mice. Now he could live with the mice, but the rat offended him! There's only one cat in his barn and he had mentioned last summer that he could use a few more. Sometimes it takes a fellow a while to get around to things :)
He actually had his eye on Jasmine and her siblings, but we were completely attached to them by that time and were not about to give them away. In fact, we had trouble deciding which cats we could actually bear to part with, so a few weeks later when Sophie brought her litter of 3 into the barn we designated them as "Danny's kittens". That way, we could get used to the idea of giving them away right from the start.
They were about 5 weeks old at the time and pretty wild so we set about taming them. Sophie always hides her kittens until they're several weeks old. Lily was the little female calico in that litter.
If you've been visiting recently you'll have read that she was one of the two cats killed by that nasty raccoon. After much deliberation we decided to give away Abigail in place of poor Lily.

Max on a frosty morning in October

Sweet Abigail

Tux again being cute and cuddly

Max on a frosty morning in October

Sweet Abigail

Tux again being cute and cuddly

Chloe, Sophie & Olivia
Sophie is the middle cat in this picture. She's one of the two cats who had a leg bitten by the raccoon (Toby was the other). Penicillin shots had them healing very quickly but then Sophie began holding her leg up close to her body and limping. She had developed an absess. Ross gave her another series of shots which healed the infection, but she still holds the leg up and it seems she's going to have a 'gimpy' leg for ever after, poor old girl.

Tuxedo the 1st

This is our original Tux who, sad to say, made a bad judgement while crossing the road out front last May, so he's no longer with us. He was a lovely boy. Tux Jr. sure looks like his dad, doesn't he? But neither he or Max have the extra toes like their dad.
If you click Tuxedo's name you'll see him being a bad cat last April.
Danny stopped by today and said the kitties are doing well. Abigail follows Danny's youngest boy (I think he's about 10) around the barn. She loves him to pieces because he cuddles her all the time, and like Zoey, she's a real cuddle cat. Max and Tux are taking a little longer to get used to their new surroundings and have been a bit timid. They'll come around I'm sure, because that young man just loves cats and he'll win their hearts before too long.
Meanwhile, we're down to 13 barn kitties!
We miss those 3 of course. I'll have to go and visit them :)
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
Hi Kerri
Send some rain this way please.
Oh my you have a lot of Kitties and i bet there hard to part with looks like your 3 new kittens are going to a good home, must cost a fortune to feed them all?or do they have to catch there dinnerthe ones in the photo's are lovely looking cats. Take care (((hugs)))
It is so nice of you to share. I bet is was really hard for you to let three go. I know you are attached to all of them. Best thing of all is that they are just down the road and you can visit. Hope they get rid of that mean old rat!!
All of your cats are beautiful - and you know that I'm not particularly fond of cats either. I'm glad the 'give aways' are settling down well.
Preparing yourself for their departure reminded me of a friend of many years ago who used to foster babies for a few weeks whilst they were awaiting adoption. People would ask her how she could bear to part with them? She said "Although I love each and every one of them for the few weeks they are with me, I know all along that I will have to part with them, so I am prepared for that."
I hope your ice will be downgraded to a moderate fall of snow, or if you like, we could swap it for 36º of heat later in the week.
My son and DIL in Florida are now down to five cats. They lost their beautiful Mr. Fish this year. My "Grandcats" are Smudge, Lily, Cocoa, Baby Snakes and Turbo. We love visiting with them.
Happy Blogiversary! And how brave of you to be able to part with your kitties.
Happy Blogiversary!
Danny boards cows? I know folks board horses but I've never heard of anyone wanting a cow that didn't already have a place for it. I bet there's a story there or I'm just being dense like my comment the other day on another blog. lol
I was happy to stop by and get my cat fix. I joked with John that I was going to trade him in for for a kitten. He didn't see the humor.
We're getting snow today, not ice, for which I am truly grateful!
Happy Blog-iversary!
Sounds like your kittens found a good home- and Danny's little boy- well that's lovely. :)
Still 13 to keep you busy!
Love the post and pictures Kerri- sad to see the snow has gone that ice is forecast- lets hope for more of the former.
Bests dear friend and congratulations on your first year :)
Beautiful pictures of your cats!! I found a few cute graphics for my blog...stop on by...meanwhile I'm trying to keep Clarence out from under my desk...he almost strangled himself on the wires...silly cat!! Still won't leave them alone...I've got a water bottle handy but he seems to like it???
Congratulations on a year of blogging!
Still sounds too cold for me, even without the snow.
Great pictures of your cats!
Ah, what a lucky lady: a one year blog anniversary to celebrate AND some rain. Sigh...
Congrats on the anniversary. Funny, it seems like I've been reading your blog for longer than that.
Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy all of your posts, but particularly love hearing about the cats. :) You are a wonderful storyteller.
Happy blogiversary! Good pics, Mummy. Sweet cats too.
love you!
Hi Kerri,
I always love it when you do posts about your kitties.
They are all so endearing. How wonderful that Danny will be giving them a good home. Hope they're good mousers (ratters??)
It's certainly cold enough to snow. 28º at 7:30pm. brrrrrr!
No rain (or snow) clouds in sight for us!!
Oops! Forgot to wish you a Happy Blogiversary! I can't tell you how happy I am that we became blogging friends!
Hi Kerri ~~ Happy Blogiversary. Well done for one year. Your posts are always great and full of wonderful photos. Loved the ones of your cats. We
do get very fond of our pets don't we?
Thanks so much for your visit and good wishes for the year. Glad you enjoy the
thngs I post, and I hope 2007 will be great for you also.Take care,Love,Merle.
As Susie said before, I love it too when you post about your cats!
And happy blog anniversary! I'll soon have my 100th post ... and celebrat my first blogging year later in June 2007
BTW, I am going to send you a mail now - please check your mailbox so that it won't end up in your spam filter
Happy one year Blogiversary dear Kerri!!! I'm sooo glad we "found" each other on this big wide world of blogging:-) I always enjoy my visits here and seeing all your delightful pictures!
I can imagine how much you didn't like parting with 3 of your cats but then they're not too far away and you know they've got another good home:-)
We're finally getting some snow today, it certainly has been a very odd January so far hasn't it!!
Much love xoxo
The cats are all so pretty!! The tuxedo cats are marked so pretty! I hope they do well at your neighbor's.
Tuxedo jr. is soooo cute. It would be hard for me to 'share' any of them. Whenever I see cats and dogs up for adoption, I want to get them (all).
Hi Kerri, It is hard to give kitties away. Doesn't take long to get attached. You snowy pictures are beautiful. What wonderful country! We managed to miss the ice here so far. Our thermometer says 31 and the wind chill feels 1 !! haha! At least it stopped raining before it really turned cold. Illinois sure isn't like it used to be.
Oh, I'm so glad your kitties didn't go far. Hopefully you'll have some more to play with at some time in the future.
OMG this was the ~*BeSt post*~ you know how much I LoVe cAtS!!
I thought I was looking at Earnest Hemmingways cats..you know in Key West Florida his home is filled with about 50-60 cats that raom around!They are decedants of his origianl brood. Oh how I would LoVe to have as many as you!!sigh..NG
I recently posted my feline family *cAtS
RuLe* post.
OOPS...I was so excited about the cats that I forgot .....
~*Happy 1 year blogging*~ Wah HOO! :)NG
Kerri, your readers appreciate the way you share your wonderful photos of country life - and you've now been doing it for a whole year!! Thank You and congratulations from
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
[no cats here, but 6 grandcats to visit]
Happy Blogoversary, Kerrie.
I am sorry to hear you had to part with your kitties. It is nice that they are close by and you can visit them.
I'm amazed that you can remember all of their names!
Only 13 barn cats! - you'll get lonesome!
Happy 1 year of blogging... I'm glad to have met you Kerri :)
All of your babies are looking so cute, so nice. It is allways horrible, to give them away, but it must!
Ross looks like a good father!
Lovely pictures! I have to show my friend Cinara who loves cats! We've had lots of rain in Brazil...
A Very Happy Blog Anniversary, my dear friend! Sorry my belated greetings! I enjoyed so much your blog and I appreciate your wonderful photos and enjoyable stories!
All your cats looks so adorable! Poor cute Sophie! Fortunately she is fine!
And last but not least thanks for your gentle visit to my friend Cris. She told me she loves it!
MY GOSH! now those photos of the snow look very lovely but!!! very cold so keep warm my friend.
Isn't it nice to think a beautiful little thing like a cat can do a job in keeping the population down in the rat world.......power to the cats I say,hate rats that is for sure.
happy blogger anniversary too bye the way.
joy to you today. Lee-ann
The kittens you gave away are absolutely gorgeous! I totally understand how hard it is to part with any, even when you have too many. I feel the same about my dogs.
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