I hope you all had a very happy New Year celebration!
We spent this past weekend visiting our son and his family and had a wonderful time. What a joy it is to spend time with our two little grandsons! They were excited to show us all their presents...
This colorful fish tank was a gift for all the family. Three little gold fish named "Herby", "Skippy" and "Mickey Mouse" are swimming around in there somewhere.

Santa brought them several new games and we had lots of fun playing them. We had a hilarious experience during a game of Bingo (the boys are playing it with their parents in the picture above). This game actually has a rather amusing male voice that calls out the letter or number and gives directions, etc.

Santa brought them several new games and we had lots of fun playing them. We had a hilarious experience during a game of Bingo (the boys are playing it with their parents in the picture above). This game actually has a rather amusing male voice that calls out the letter or number and gives directions, etc.
Four of us were playing a game and I had the yellow card. I got Bingo quite quickly, so I pressed the yellow button and yelled "Bingo". Well, 'the voice' said, in a very accusatory tone, "Excuse me Yellow! You don't have Bingo!", and proceeded to recite the letters and numbers that I had, omitting the 'A'. Both my son and DIL had tokens on 'A', so we knew that it had indeed been called. We had the biggest laugh over this.....a computerized voice telling me I was cheating! Now that's a first :)

This little guy will be 3 soon.

This little guy will be 3 soon.
He was very generous with his cuddles, much to Grandpa's delight.

I was lucky enough to get lots of hugs too.

I was lucky enough to get lots of hugs too.
Grandma and Grandpa need to stock up all the hugs and kisses they can, because regrettably, we don't live close enough to visit as often as we'd like.

I love this picture of 'K' with Daddy

I love this picture of 'K' with Daddy
We squeezed in one more photo in front of the tree just before the undecorating was finished and all those pretty ornaments were packed away until next December.
I've so much enjoyed 'meeting' so many wonderful friends from all over this big wide world during the past year. It's been fascinating and fun getting to know you and seeing your various corners of the world. I count you all as blessings and feel my life has been enriched by each and every one of you.
I hope and pray the year 2007 will bring you rich blessings, especially health and happiness.
Kerri, How lovely your grandsons are, I see you are blessed as I am with little ones that make your heart skip with joy when you get to see them.
They are yes! lovely photos and ones I know you will look at fondly until the very next time you get to spend time with them and then again you will get many more hugs from these two darlings of yours I am sure.
thank you for sharing the moment with us, it is so nice to be able to share it with you too.
Happy new year my friend, Lee-ann
Wow, you have such great pics of your New Year Celebration.
I spent it with my son. He's teenager now. I was afraid that he wouldn't want to have the dinner with me, but he did. I'm really thankful for that.
BTW, I hope you don't mind that I put the link to this post at my blog.
This post put a smile on my face early this morning! What beautiful boys, and how very happy Grandma and Grandpa look!
So glad you had the chance to spend some time with them and get some proper cuddles, kisses and hugs!
Happy 2007!
I'm glad you had such a good time! We play lots of games with our crew but I don't think we'll be adding that bingo game! Happy New Year!
Great photos Kerri and a happy new year to your family as well.
Isn't it great to see little kids at Christmas! They really do make the celebration period memorable.
It looks like you had a real nice time. Your grandsons are sooo cute. Happy New Year !!
Gday Kerri
Lovely photo's of your Christmas celebrations with your beautifull Grandsons. thank you for sharing.
A very Happy New Year to You and Yours. Take care.
What handsome grandsons you have, Kerri.
I really love that photo of you and your grandson alone. It's just precious.
Next time don't be cheatin' in that bingo game! LOL
Smashing post as always Kerri. Your wee grandsons are indeed a delight! lol- l wish l had been a 'fly on the wall' for that bingo announcement! :O xx Glad you had a wonderful visit.
Happy New Year to you and yours, dear Kerri!!! I so enjoyed seeing the pictures and I must say you have absolutely adorable grandsons:-) I can't wait to have grandbabies of my own...hopefully one day!! I can just imagine how funny it was having a computer telling you that you had cheated...that's hilarious! hehe I'm so glad we "met" in this big wide world of blogging...it's friends like you that enrich my life:-) Much love xoxo
So glad you had the chance to spend some time your g/kids! Ya'll take such lovely pictures. ;o)
Love the photos! Your two little grandsons looks adorable! Sounds you all had a great time!
A Very Happy New Year, to you and yours, dear Kerri! Many hugs!
First time I have followed your name to your blog, thoughI have seen your comments at several of the blogs I visit!
Have to tell you I enjoyed reading of your Christmas with your family!
Those little grandsons remind me so much of my first 2! Mine are grown up now! :( They were brothers just 2 years apart...about like your little boys seem to be! Yors are adorable! Mine were too!-Still are! :)
A very, very happy new year to you and yours Kerri!
Such lovely pics, and your grandsons are sooo cute :)
I love to see children at ease enough to use grownups as furniture, and this is evident in the photo of you and your husband with your grandsons in front of the tree. Those are two very relaxed kids, obviously comfortable with you both! Even if you can't be there as often as you wished, you are *so* bonded with them, Kerri.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
this is my favourite place i love visiting you and yours thanks Snip
love Scrappie
What a cutie. It is great to have family. Happy New Year.
What absolutely gorgeous photos. I hope (I know) you took lots. It must be very hard to leave them and I hope you stocked up on a good supply of kisses and cuddles.
Thank you, Kerri, for being such a dear good friend this year. It's hard to believe that this time last year I'd not 'met' you. You certainly have been a blessing in my life; one that I know will continue.
God bless you and Ross - my dear friends.
Aren't grandchildren the BEST! The name says it all. And sharing the holidays with them is precious. Thanks for sharing with us!
Happy new year Kerri, to Ross, yourself and family. It looks like you had a wonderful time, grandchidren are such a blessing aren't they. May the New year bring you all good health and lots of special times together.
I would love to have a fish tank just like that one...I've always loved them, but now I don't know how it would go over with a kitty in the house??
sounds like your Bingo game was fun times!!
Kerri, happy new year to you also! What great pictures! Your grandsons are very handsome. I hope you have a wonderful new year ahead. You look so happy! We are so blessed when we have grandkids.
Oh Kerri, this was a delightful post! Your grandsons are adorable. That little one has the most precious expressions on his face that you are immediately drawn to him! Both are so cute! :)
You had me just busting out laughing with the Bingo game. lol What a riot! Gee...how awful is that, rotten little thing. hehe!
Wishing you a Happy and Blessed New Year 2007! :)
A Happy New Year to you!
What a wonderful collection of blessings you have here! I too have grandchildren that live a far in the states so I know how much those *hugs and kisses* and whispers of ~*I love you*~ mean to us!hugs NG
Awesome pictures!!!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year! Your celebrations (all of them) look like so much fun. It's so nice to gather family at this time of year, isn't it?
Dear Kerri,
A very Happy New Year to you too!
Looks like you had a wonderful visit with your family. Love the picture of you, hubby and grandkids by the tree. Hope you got enough hugs to last you for a little while anyway...
Take care,
Kerri, I just realised that I have not yet send all my best wishes for a prosperous and very healthful new year to you!
Are you still interested in seeds of my white marigold French vanilla? I would be pleased to send you a little packet, just e-mail me your address, okay?
What wonderful pictures of darling little boys. They look so cute and happy. But then Grampa and Grandma look pretty happy to....Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Come and visit when you can.........And a happy new year to you and your family.......
What a wonderful visit I have enjoyed here at your blog! Thank you for the love and pleasure you spread. Delightful!
some great pics...Like the bingo game...lol
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