This one is called Sea Pearl and has a light fragrance.
I absolutely loved this bloom! I cut it and brought it into the house where we enjoyed it all last week.
The bush is one of the two survivors out of the 5 we planted late last fall. It's still small and had only 3 blooms. The other bush didn't bloom at all.
I hope they both make it through the coming winter.
There's some fall color in the hedgerow across the road. Not too many of the trees have turned color yet, but we're gradually seeing more. I hope the leaves won't fall too quickly and give us a disappointing show. A dry year usually gives the best color, and we certainly haven't had dry weather this spring and summer!!

Last week we had some lovely sunny days....good haying weather, for bringing in second cutting. This week we've mostly had rainy afternoons and evenings, but the temperatures have been mild....60's during the day ( around 17ºC).
We've been lucky to avoid a frost so far. The temperature went down to 35ºF (1.6C) one night last week. We covered tomatoes and brought containers in, but when morning came we were so happy to find no frost! We finally have a few plants producing zucchini, after several unsuccessful attempts during the spring and summer. It was just too wet!
Our sweet corn was a wash out too. We only had about 4 meals from the early corn. the stalks were so short that the crows could stand on the ground and eat the ears, so they filled their stomaches and we had the few they left for us.....the greedy beasts! The later Silver Queen, our favorite, didn't even form ears. It's the first year ever that we haven't had corn to freeze. We usually have enough to feed friends and neighbors too!

The wild asters are blooming profusely in the meadows.....

.......and up by the barn.

There are two shades of purple. This is the lighter one. The deeper color is two photos up.

.......and up by the barn.

There are two shades of purple. This is the lighter one. The deeper color is two photos up.
Nature provides us with these lovely wild flowers that need no tending!

The gladioli that I planted late in the flower gardens are blooming. That's Grady posing for me. He came down to the mail box too. I always have plenty of company :)

Lovely color with the afternoon sun shining through on Monday.

This pink glad is breathtaking.

The gladioli that I planted late in the flower gardens are blooming. That's Grady posing for me. He came down to the mail box too. I always have plenty of company :)

Lovely color with the afternoon sun shining through on Monday.

This pink glad is breathtaking.
The foxglove is reblooming behind it.

This bright pink aster got lost among the tall rudbeckia during the summer. I forgot that I'd moved it here last year, otherwise I would've thinned more of the rubeckia around it. Poor thing is tough though, and is blooming in spite of my neglect.

It's such a nice bright spot of color, when there's not a lot still blooming in the fall.

Obedient plant (Physostegia Virginiana) is another late bloomer. It does well in this garden where I can keep it under control. It tends to take over.

I love the shape of the flowers.

Toby was soaking up the afternoon sun on Monday afternoon, when we actually had some sunshine!

And Murphy was doing what he does best...playing!

This bright pink aster got lost among the tall rudbeckia during the summer. I forgot that I'd moved it here last year, otherwise I would've thinned more of the rubeckia around it. Poor thing is tough though, and is blooming in spite of my neglect.

It's such a nice bright spot of color, when there's not a lot still blooming in the fall.

Obedient plant (Physostegia Virginiana) is another late bloomer. It does well in this garden where I can keep it under control. It tends to take over.

I love the shape of the flowers.

Toby was soaking up the afternoon sun on Monday afternoon, when we actually had some sunshine!

And Murphy was doing what he does best...playing!

Kathy says thank you very much to everyone for the happy birthday wishes and lovely comments.
It was pure chance to find your weglog, wonderful photos of a wonderful landscape. They are really inviting , but it´s a bit too far away,as I´m living and gardening in a little village nearby Berlin/Germany.
I love nature and are looking forward to more pictures of your garden and beautiful sorrundings.
As always, such picturesque photos! Toby amongst the red flowers and red birdfeeder is my personal favourite....such a cute shot with bright colours.
And I am getting more & more obsessed with your barn. I want a barn, too. Surely we could squeeze one in on our tiny city block??!....or maybe not ;)
Kerri - all of your landscape is so colourful even without autumn colouring. You have such a colour range in buildings, grasses, distant trees, flowers, clouds and sky, and even your many and varied feline friends.
Those two gladioli are simply stunning, with the glow in the yellow one and then the two-tone pink is just exquisite.
We always find that the colour in the autumn leaves is intensified once the frosts start. Do you find the same over there?
Many thanks, Kerri, for yet another lovely tour of your farm.
I have been enjoying your blog for quite some time and enjoying all your wonderful photos. I wish I had time to post more, but we are stuck with really slowwwww dialup internet service up here in the north woods, so it takes way too much time to post more pictures than I do. In the meantime, I love reading everyone's blogs when I have time to sit in the evenings. Keep posting those pics - they are stunning!
Hooray! I can see all photos just now! I don't now if was because I download Firefox.... maybe it was.
Beautiful photos, Kerri! I love so much your yard, view and flower's garden!
Beatiful pics of flowers and kittys helping you examine the flowers.I love your mix of grown yourself and wild growing flowers.those physostegia would look lovely here in my long border!love the pink asters/rudibeckia combination.It is very vibrant.Your post has brightened my gloomy yorkshire day.Its rain,rain and more rain!
What beautiful photos! You certainly do have Colors in your garden. I have enjoyed looking through your site.
Kitties and beautiful scenery! Is it any wonder that I eagerly await each new post from you? It's like taking a mini vacation to the most beautiful countryside imaginable..
Once we've seen all your fall colors, I think I will have seen your farm in all the seasons.
I cannot believe all the beautiful flowers you still have in bloom...what gorgeous pictures you took to share with us!!! Between the kitties and the flowers, they were all a pleasure to the eye:-) My flowers are now taking their last breath...soon I will have to prepare the flowerbeds for winter and empty out all the containers. One thing I was surprised at, though, is that my clematis has started to bloom again!!! That's the first time that's happened, for it to bloom a second time in the same year! With the frosty mornings we've been having, though, I don't think they will last very long! Hugs!
I loved all of your gorgeous pictures this evening!!!
Makes me want a kitty cat!!
Kerri, you have that magic touch -- flowers, gardens, photography, kitties, lovely scenery, gentle words, and beautiful family. I love coming to visit you and enjoy your pleasant landscape and your life.
I hope you are having a wonderful week. Fall is approaching in Kentucky also and the trees are stunning here.
What an absolutely perfect rose.. captured at just the right stage. I love the scenery pictures.. It touches some long ago memories. I think now it might overwhelm me. I love those rudbeckie with the nice round 'eyes' compared to some that are definite tall cones. I saw a patch of wild brown eyed susans along the road today. Beautiful last fall fling. Spectacular glad colors and I had no idea 'Physostegia' was so beautiful. Seed catalogs don't do them justice.
Beautiful photos of your flowers and cats. You have so much still blooming, and you can enjoy the wildflowers as well.
That is a beautiful rose Kerri, We like to cut flowers and bring them indoors too, It prolongs the enjoyment not to mention the fragrance close by. I've never been a great gladioli fan but yours looks particularly nice. Also they are great landscape shots you've taken. Thanks for visiting recently and taking time to comment on my posts.
I really thought l had left a comment on this post?? l think l must be losing it-lol.
Stunning photos- l especially love the colour of the top gladioli- the light shining though is stunning. In fact l think the light holds beautifully in all of these photos- you did really well Kerri. l just love everything about where you live :)
Our Autumn over here has been very mild this year- unusually so. My roses are still blooming and by now the garden would have died down a bit but l am finding l need to cut back!
Love those kittens of yours.
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