The top of the gorge at Letchworth State Park

It was a very successful craft show last weekend at this beautiful park, with huge crowds, perfect weather in the mid to high 70's (around 23ºC) and lots of brilliant sunshine. It's a very popular show and covers a large area, with hundreds of craft booths.

Under the trees were some wonderful picnic settings which the crowds took advantage of.

When I walked through the trees, over to see the view, there were about 7 turkey vultures soaring over the gorge. The light was too bright to get a good picture so this is overexposed, but I like the way the light is shining through the bird's wings.

After the show closed on Saturday, Chris and I drove down to the bottom end of the park to see the waterfalls. The gorge winds for 17 miles through the park.

Here at Inspiration Point you can see a wonderful view of the Middle and Upper Falls. The Lower Falls is further back and quite a treck to get to, so we didn't take the time to see it. The sun was setting and the light was beginning to fade. It was about 6:30Pm and I was surprised the pictures came out as well as they did. I thought we'd be too late to get any decent shots.

The Middle Falls

And again 
There weren't a lot of bright reds in the fall colors this year, but still, they were gorgeous.
The really spectacular colors appear when the season is dry. That's not an adjective that applies to the spring and summer we've just come through!
The leaves are falling rapidly here at home, and the fall colors will soon be all gone. It's such a brief burst of beauty, but so lovely while it lasts!
Like Alice, I had trouble posting these pictures tonight, with some of them posting as only half a picture. Is anyone else having the same problems with the updated, supposedly improved (ha!) Picasa? It's a royal pain in the neck!!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)