A gentleman who works at a large company in a nearby village has been stopping in the afternoons to photograph "our" hawk, and recently managed to get 2 really good shots. His name is Pete French and he's an amateur wildlife photographer.
He has spent quite a few hours trying to capture some good shots of our bird. Imagine how excited he was to get this one! The hawk dived down to the ground and then came up really close to him....perhaps 10 feet away. He very kindly brought me an 8x10 of the best picture, which I scanned to show you. I'm as thrilled with it as he is!

Tonight I made Kylie a garter so she would have "something blue" to wear at her wedding. It was a fun project.
I had visions of the wedding running through my mind, and Aled Jones singing in the background. He's a wonderful Welsh singer who Alice 'introduced' me to, by sending me a couple of his audio tapes. I'm now addicted to his music. Thanks Alice :)
Those are a couple of the good things that have been happening around here.
The bad thing happened on Tuesday night when I went to community choir practise at our local high school. There were two sporting events going on, and therefore lots of people around the school grounds.
When we came out after practise, we discovered that 3 of our cars had been broken into....mine and two others had a smashed window. The beasts stole our purses. I know it's stupid to leave purses in cars, but this is a small country town and we do it all the time. Sometimes we don't even bother to lock our cars at the grocery store, but of course the purses are with us then.
We called the police and he showed up within about 20 mins, but went to the main parking lot. We later discovered that a 4th car had been broken into over there.
The people who did this were nervy to smash 4 car windows with so many people around.
I had $50 or so (in my lovely oroton wallet that I got for my 21st birthday) in my purse, but the other 2 choir members had quite a bit more.
We called the police and he showed up within about 20 mins, but went to the main parking lot. We later discovered that a 4th car had been broken into over there.
The people who did this were nervy to smash 4 car windows with so many people around.
I had $50 or so (in my lovely oroton wallet that I got for my 21st birthday) in my purse, but the other 2 choir members had quite a bit more.
We're all hoping the scoundrels just wanted the money and will toss the purses, hopefully somewhere where they'll be found.
Everyone was very helpful and kind. The school janitor helped us clean up the glass and tape plastic over the missing windows so that we wouldn't freeze during the drive home. It was a cold night!
The window was replaced (fully covered by insurance..yah!) today and I got a new temporary driver's license. Yesterday my hubby changed the lock on the door and I took care of all the other annoying and time consuming things that have to be done in the event of a theft.
I wonder if thieves ever think about the consequences of their actions????
I hope they're found and punished before they cause suffering to other unsuspecting victims.

And finishing on a good note: The delphinium has rebloomed and is looking beautiful,

giving us a lovely burst of glorious color!

And finishing on a good note: The delphinium has rebloomed and is looking beautiful,

giving us a lovely burst of glorious color!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Thanks for all your wonderful messages and good wishes for Kylie and Ko. I'll certainly be taking lots of pictures and tissues!
Kerri, so sorry to hear that you suffered that break in, it is a horrible feeling to think that there are such low lifes around. As you indicated, the $50 wasn't much, but how sad that your purse which meant so much to you, is gone.
I hope all goes well with Kylie's wedding. The garter looks gorgeous!
Hello Kerri....
That really is bad news about your car and all those items that meant so much to you in your purse. As you say, I do hope that thief will discard them and they can be returned to you. Yes, the $50 is bad enough, but not so as the sentimental items, they can’t be replaced. I know how you feel, John and I had our car broken quite some years ago now. They smashed the front passenger window and took the radio. I just thank the Lord that just as we left the car, I noticed Christopher’s camera on the back seat, so I pushed it under the front seat out of sight. I guess they were in too much of a hurry to go looking for other things.
On a happier note, what a pretty garter you have made for Kylie, now that will be a treasure from her wedding day that she will keep and look back on in years to come.
John and I send our Congratulations to Kylie and Ko. Our very best wishes for a wonderful day and may the years ahead be enriched with much happiness and good health for them both Marion
Wonderful shot of the hawk! Thanks for sharing. Hope it is a lovely wedding, best wishes to all.
Kerri, thats realy a good photo from the bird! To make photos from animals, you need a log of time. Some weeks ago I did some pics from butterflys and need half an hour for this.
Thats bad with your car!
Wish you a nice weekend too!
The good outweighs the bad. You have a beautiful bird in your environs, you have beautiful blowers in your yard, and you have a beautiful daughter that is about to become a wife. Life doesn't get better than that.
The bad (your car getting broken into) is just a minor glitch in the vast scheme of things. A bad thing done to a good person -- done by some bad kids. Be sure to look in the trash cans and ditches arounds the parking lot. I'm sorry you lost your purse and your car was broken into. I'm not going to say "I told you so." You already know the importance of not leaving anything of value in your vehicle. I just hope they catch these miscreants before they do more damage to more people. No wonder car insurance is so high.
My blessings to you for a fantastic Friday.
The picture of the hawk is fantastic. Glad you and Ross were able to start to get things fixed from your car breakin.
I really hope your wallet is recovered. I'm sure that's the one object you feel the worst about!
You created a lovely keepsake with your "something blue garter"
I'll be thinking of you and your family this weekend. Praying for a beautiful day and every blessing for Kylie & Ko.
Small town life certainly is changing here isn't it. My husband is on my case constantly because I don't lock the car at work or the store and I have two car seats that could be easily taken. I hope you get back the irreplacable items from your purse.
I wish I could take pictures like that! How nice of him to give you a copy. Maybe small town life isn't so bad after all.
Enjoy the day tomorrow! I'm crossing my fingers that the weather guys are right and you have a picture perfect day.
Terrible story about the car. I have to remember to lock the cars at night in the driveway now since we woke up one morning and found someone had searched through it (probably a kid looking for loose change).
Love that photo of the hawk. So nice the photographer gave you a picture.
All the best this weekend for the wedding.
Great photo of the hawk. I can see why you were both so excited about it.
Very pretty garter you made for Kylie. I'm sure she will keep it always and it will become more precious as the years go by.
I wish Kylie and Ko a lifetime of good health, wisdom, humour, patience, perseverance, courage, appreciation, fulfilment, joy and happiness.
Your pink delphinium is beautiful, too. I don't think I've ever had a pink one, certainly not as lovely as that.
Oh my, the picture of the hawk is brilliant and it's no wonder you are so thrilled with it! The garter you made is beautiful and I'm sure Kylie will love it...love the tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue:-) Oh no, what a shame about your car and others being broken into...you can never replace sentimental value. I find the culprits are being so bold these days, even doing robberies in broad daylight and people all around! Love your delphiniums...my clematis is starting to bud again and that surprises me, I had no idea they'd bloom twice in the same season? Hugs xoxo
I can't wait for pics of the wedding! Cancel those credit cards right away! I had my purse taken once and they tried to use the cards within 14 minutes of the theft!!
Have a wonderful wedding weekend!
Kerri, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience those theives caused you and I'm sure it was upsetting to have your oroton wallet stolen...I can see that it meant a lot to you. I hope that they just wanted the cash and will drop your purses somewhere handy and easy to spot. I'm surprised that nobody heard them in the busy parking lot.
That was indeed a very good picture of the hawk...The photographer did a great job.
Kylie will love the garter and even more since it was made by you. Did you make two garters?...I didn't know this, but the groom removes the garter and throws it out to the single gents. My granddaughter, had her new hubby throw out a fake garter because she wanted to keep her's as a momento.
what lovely pictures and enjoy that wedding...take your purse in with you
I'm sorry to hear you had your purse taken :(
I hope Kylie's wedding is just as she hopes.... can't wait to hear all about it and see photos!! (and the hawk photo is superb ....just wait til I show Fatty - he'll be soooo jealous!)
hope the weding is a lovely day
blessing to all
Hi, Just found your blog- very intersting reading.
Hope the wedding goes to plan! XXXfor same.
We had our flat burglarised- my wallet containing photos of our first grandchild's birth. I was devastated, as the photos I had taken of her, & her gorgeous mother, were instant photos, &, therefore irreplaceable. Police were not very hopeful, but my lovely husband, who is GOM, went searching, & found the 'non valuable' -to the thieves- contents of my wallet scattered under a railway bridge- priceless photos of my granddaughter's birth & also personal items.
Lovely to find your blog!
The youn Red Tailed hawk is just fascinating...so much detail, while in mid flight.
So very sorry to hear about the low lifes that stole your purse. I hope you called your cards in real quick! They can put red flags up on your accounts.
When is the wedding? I want to hear more about the wedding! lol We have had two of our kids get married in two years! Emotional at times but wonderful in the same breath!
Your garden is very pretty!
and the kittens, they rock! :)
I love them.
Kerri, What a terrible thing to happen to you! I hope they find your purse.
Great hawk pic.
Hi Kerri, you have certainly been having some ups and downs, commiserations on the loss of your important things - we think it is silly to grieve over lost possessions, but it's really quite natural.
Your beautiful daughter and her very charming-looking new husband - congratulations to them, what a splendid day you have pictured for us .. thankyou.
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