As promised, here are more pictures of the wonderful dahlias and other plants at The Cornell Plantations. I'll post some longer views next. There was so much to see. I wish you could've all been there with us.
I want to thank you all for your lovely comments and good wishes for Kylie and Ko. We all appreciate them very much.
And I appreciate all of you!

I love this one!

Actually, I love them all!

What a lovely combination this is. Coleus is such a great filler and they used it a lot in many colors and varieties.

There were several different kinds of bees and they were all very busy, as you can well imagine!

This is obedient plant (Physostegia Virginiana). Mine is blooming here at home too, giving us lovely late color.

I don't know the name of this pretty pink flowered plant. If any of you do, please share your knowledge with me!

Golden Rod is now selling in nurseries and has become very popular in gardens these days. It's everywhere in the fields around here, looking very pretty beside the wild asters. It looks wonderful here, paired with the blue.

This lovely hydrangea is part of the setting where the wedding ceremony was held.

And here are the pale pink Japanese Anemone again. They're such a graceful flower.

Cleome with sage (salvia). These are 2 plants I don't have in my garden. Next year I must try to plant both.

I can't remember the name of this blue flower. Doesn't it look beautiful growing against the iron gate?

These little zinnias were in the orange garden.

Purple Veronica and coneflowers.

Cranesbill Geranium.

I found this huge grasshopper on a zinnia.

And look at the size of this bee! Does anyone know the name of this flower? Penstemon, perhaps?

Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa). This is another one I'd like to grow.

I looked at the name for this unusual plant, but can't remember it. Isn't it interesting? Please feel free to help me out with anything I haven't named.

This hibiscus was in one of the huge planters lining the walkway. They also had it planted against a fence. The opened flower is very large.

This is a rudbeckia. It's about 7 to 8 feet tall. See how much it looks like the coneflower, which is also a rudbeckia?

Here's a closer view of that lovely copper-leafed plant. Sissy tells me that it's a castor bean plant. Thanks Sissy!

I love this one!

Actually, I love them all!

What a lovely combination this is. Coleus is such a great filler and they used it a lot in many colors and varieties.

There were several different kinds of bees and they were all very busy, as you can well imagine!

This is obedient plant (Physostegia Virginiana). Mine is blooming here at home too, giving us lovely late color.

I don't know the name of this pretty pink flowered plant. If any of you do, please share your knowledge with me!

Golden Rod is now selling in nurseries and has become very popular in gardens these days. It's everywhere in the fields around here, looking very pretty beside the wild asters. It looks wonderful here, paired with the blue.

This lovely hydrangea is part of the setting where the wedding ceremony was held.

And here are the pale pink Japanese Anemone again. They're such a graceful flower.

Cleome with sage (salvia). These are 2 plants I don't have in my garden. Next year I must try to plant both.

I can't remember the name of this blue flower. Doesn't it look beautiful growing against the iron gate?

These little zinnias were in the orange garden.

Purple Veronica and coneflowers.

Cranesbill Geranium.

I found this huge grasshopper on a zinnia.

And look at the size of this bee! Does anyone know the name of this flower? Penstemon, perhaps?

Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa). This is another one I'd like to grow.

I looked at the name for this unusual plant, but can't remember it. Isn't it interesting? Please feel free to help me out with anything I haven't named.

This hibiscus was in one of the huge planters lining the walkway. They also had it planted against a fence. The opened flower is very large.

This is a rudbeckia. It's about 7 to 8 feet tall. See how much it looks like the coneflower, which is also a rudbeckia?

Here's a closer view of that lovely copper-leafed plant. Sissy tells me that it's a castor bean plant. Thanks Sissy!

More beautiful pictures! Those orange zinnias are my absolute favourites.
Hello Kerri...
I’m finally getting around and catching up with a few blogs. How wonderful it is to see your daughter’s wedding and what a setting for it!
The colours and the pictures you’ve posted are stunning. I love the Japanese Anemone, especially the pink double. I’ve recently acquired my first one, its the white single variety. I shall have to look out for the pink, its gorgeous.
The gardens are amazing, so well cared for. I’m impressed at the amount of pictures blogger has allowed you to upload too, I seem to encounter problems if I go more than about 8. Thanks for sharing this wonderful posting. Love - Marion
Great photos! I'd love to visit their gardens one day.
The last unknown looks like a torch lily to me.
You must be on Blogger's good girl list to post all these lovely photos. It seems to give many of us fits if we try to overstep our "quota" (whatever that may be!)
I always feel as though I'm right beside you among the flowers. Your knowledge and photography skills always amaze me.
Someday we'll share a walk through a garden in real life!
Kerri - truly lovely photos of beautiful flowers once again. I think the hydrangea photo is my favourite.
#7 could be Pentas.
#17 possibly Penstemon, although I don't recall the flowers being so irregular in shape.
#19 is one of the Kniphofias, commonly called Red Hot Poker as the original looked just like one, but now there are green and yellow versions as well as the older red variety.
#20 that was a surprise because the flower and leaves look exactly like Abutilon (Chinese Lantern), but the flowers don't get much bigger than that. They certainly don't open out like hibiscus, which apparently they do on that plant. Would love to see a photo of them fully open.
Ah, darn it all, why don't I just pop over and have a look for myself???
Dear Kerri. l feel so bad that l missed wishing your daughter Kylie and her man Ko the very best- so l am saying congratulations to them both now. Loved Kylies bouquet and your blue outfit for the wedding. That is a lovely photo of you all standing together as a family. Ko looks like a very caring man and l do wish them both the very best for the future!
:) l am trying to catch up with all my blogging friends. Keep well- wonderful flowers as always- so much colour for this time of the year too. Now l know who to ask if l am not sure of a flower's name.
Beautiful posts Kerri. I wish I could help you out on the plants you don't know, but I have no idea. They are all great photos though!
Goodness gracious, what DO they feed the bees over there!! lol It's huge, bigger than the flower!! What an amazing array of flowers you took pictures of Kerri...all so very beautiful in their own right! Thank you so much for sharing them with us...and know that WE appreciate YOU:-) Hugs xox
Wonderful photos! I can't plant Knipophias, my soil is to wet.
Absolutely beautiful pix.. I love the yellow and blues combinations - and the picture of the Kniphofia is beautiful. The bloom against the dark wall.. and the contrast with the 'grassy' foliage behind it is beautiful.. nice. Thanks for the tour of Cornell.
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