As I work on this August Bloom Day post I'm listening to the blissful drumming of rain on the roof. We haven't heard that welcome sound often this summer, which makes us greatly appreciate this almost full day of rain so much more than we otherwise would.
While the hot, dry summer has been hard on our upstate New York garden, it hardly compares to the heat and drought our gardening friends are experiencing in Texas and some other states. My heart goes out to the people of Texas, praying refreshing rain and cooler temperatures will ease their situation very soon.
We had some good rain on August 6th, 7th and 8th, bringing the green back to the lawn and giving the plants a boost. The moderate temperatures made gardening a pleasure during the past week.
Rather than digging these gladiolus, planted in the veggie garden last year, we covered them with bales of straw in the fall and they overwintered well. I planted more this summer but they'll be blooming much later.
Window boxes and containers have filled out and are looking bright and colorful.
That's "Misty Lilac" Wave Petunia in between a couple of regular Petunias. One Wave goes a long way!
Hydrangea macrophylla "Oak Hill" has been blooming since early July.
Mr. Lincoln Rose had a late start, as did all the roses this spring, but it's done a good job catching up. I wish you could smell the wonderful perfume!
Sea Pearl Rose, in the pink garden, is still very small but it has bravely produced this pretty bloom and has more buds coming.
I was thrilled to find Agastache "Salmon and Pink" at our small local nursery. The hummingbirds love this plant.
The lovely Fuchsia in the hanging basket is "Marinka". It's putting on a spectacular show after overwintering in an upstairs bedroom. 

Here are some of the containers crowding the back patio. I got a little carried away, as usual, even though I was determined to plant fewer this year. There are several overwintered geraniums in the mix, and a few other overwintered plants as
Ivy Geranium "Comedy"
And on the front porch, baskets with "Tidal Wave Cherry" and "Pink Morn" Wave Petunias.
This lovely Lophospermum was also overwintered.
As was this container with Vancouver Centennial Geranium and Blackie Sweet Potato Vine.
I love this very tall self-sown Sunflower growing by the front porch under the bird feeders. It branches more and has smaller flowers than the usual large-headed sunflowers (Blackoil) that sprout from dropped birdseed.
In the small rock garden pink Batface Cuphea, planted last year, has sown itself and produced several pastel colors. This was another exciting find at our wonderful local nursery. 

The Daylilies are almost finished. There are just a few producing a last flower or two.
This one is "Dallas Star" and beside it is Sedum "Autumn Joy", which has grown much bigger than I thought it would.
This one is "Dallas Star" and beside it is Sedum "Autumn Joy", which has grown much bigger than I thought it would.
Coneflowers are blooming up a storm - bee and butterfly heaven, although none were about when I took this photo.
Hydrangea paniculata "Limelight" has abundant blooms.
In the Lilac Garden, tall Phlox blooms with Shasta Daisies, red Bee Balm/Monarda (another absolute favorite of hummingbirds) and Gloriosa Daisies/Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susans). 

The Driveway Garden has plenty of tall Phlox, Monarda and Lilies.
The elegant Tiger Lily blooms last a long time. I planted this one from a seed several years ago.
August is a colorful month for the front yard.
Gloriosa Daisies bloom for a very long time.
The Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia/Golden Glow (aka Cut-leaf Coneflower, "Outhouse Flower") is sprawling outside the little fences that my hubby built to keep it upright. It spreads rapidly and I haven't had time to dig up the escaping plants and give them away to other hapless gardeners who are blissfully unaware of its spreading habit. Today was too wet to get a wider shot of how it looks now. We're actually enjoying its sprawling outside the fence as it looks very pretty doing it, which makes it easy to forgive its tendency toward thuggery. 
You'll find well over a hundred gardeners eager to show off their blooms over at Carol's blog, May Dream Gardens, in Indiana.
Happy Bloom Day everyone!

You'll find well over a hundred gardeners eager to show off their blooms over at Carol's blog, May Dream Gardens, in Indiana.
Happy Bloom Day everyone!
There's gorgeous blooms everywhere. I just love that spot outside the back patio. I can spot Coleus, Cosmos, Geraniums, Alyssum and Violas. It is such a pretty collection of plants you have there.
The Lilac Garden is something special. That Agastache is just beautiful and Dame Edna's bloom seems to be doing so well planted in the vegie garden beds. I adore that 'Comedy' Ivy Pelargonium and the 'Belladonna'. The Sunflower is just outstanding too.
It's great to hear you've been getting some rain. Some of your southern counterparts are definitely suffering. Drought can be such a hard time.
Your garden is chock full of beautiful blooms Kerri. I have never seen the lophospermum for sale around here. It is a beauty. I admire the way you can overwinter so many gracious bloomers. Happy GBBD.
I can well imagine how you're appreciating the music of the rain, but also being thankful that you haven't had to endure the really fierce heat of some of the other states. It can be heartbreaking to work so hard in the garden, see the promise in the Spring and then watch helplessly as it dries to a crisp in the summer.
However, your gardens at the moment are looking as magnificently inspiring as usual. Everything blooms with such vibrant colour.
Much as I love every area of your garden - and beyond - an area that always thrills me is close to the house and along the porches. You are definitely the queen of container gardening. Do you think if I put mine in the spare bedroom over winter they would bloom like yours? I doubt it very much! You really have a knack with them; they are pure delight.
Our gardens are colouring up nicely with primulas, polyanthus, daffodils, Dutch hyacinths and tulips (soon), but without your expanse of trees, shrubs and beautiful lawns, and paddock in the distance. Beauty all around. Thank you so much for taking me on such a lovely scenic trip on a cold winter's evening.
Such impressive photos...pansies blooming? Ours stopped months ago and my sunflowers have all gone to seed. The heat of the South means shorter blooming and a few weeks dormancy for some plants. Looking forward to some of my perennials perking up in the coming weeks.
Your garden looks stunning! Bulging with floral goodness. You've got lots of the things I'd want to grow if we had more sun, less wind (and maybe a budget since my seed sowing has taken over the house/garden). Interested in the Lophospermum which I've not seen before. I wonder if it would grow in Scotland in summer.
your flowers are, as usual, gorgeous. You must have you hands full as you babysit all of the "overwinterers" but it pays off come this time of the year. I would love to drive by your home and look at all of the wonderful colors.
The petunias, pansies, geraniums,Tiger Lillies and Lophospermum are some of my favorites in your gardens, but the glads have always held a special place in my heart. I am glad that you received the beneficial water from the heavens to help out.
Gorgeous! The surrounding countryside is a wonderful setting for your beautiful gardens. So much color. I love the pansies.
Your garden is certainly in the pink this August! Has the rain already done its job, or have your plants looked this good all summer.
The agastache is beautiful. Did the tag say it would winter over? I have never been able to keep one going, here, but I know your winters are milder.
Isn't that a pretty sky behind the tiger lilies?
Your gardens and containers are so gorgeous and colorful. I'm happy to hear you've got rain and temperature relief. We finally got our pardon this week as well--and, it was actually delightful in the garden for the last few days!
That hydrangea makes me drool! Oh, I do wish my shasta daisies and phlox looked like yours. The only phlox that did well in our heat was 'David' and he's on his second bloom now. My daisies didn't last long at all and that was such a disappointment.
Have a great week!
Just stunning! There are far to many to pick a favorite. Although I was so intrigued and excited to see a Pink Bat Plant. My Mother in Law gave us the Red/Purple one, but I'm just not a red flower person. I want to look for the pink next spring!
Wow you have such a gorgeous blooming garden, love all of them!
Kerri you have so many beautiful blooms in your garden. The hydrangea is so beautiful. I love your glads. Have you noticed if the stems on your gladioli are more sturdy since you left them in the ground? I was wondering about that verses digging them up every fall. I love the big bed with all of the monarda, phlox and daises. I am sure the pollinators love that bed.
Great post..those shots of the border with the Daisies, Phlox and Monarda are just it!
Hi Kerri, your garden looks wonderful. Next year I must have more coneflowers, must buy new seeds.
Hi Kerri, many thanks for sharing the wonderful pics of your gorgeous blooming garden!
Be happy to have a summer - we haven't
any summer this year in Northern Germany :-(
my coneflowers are eaten by snails, so there is only one I could rescue
meggie from
have a nice weekend
what a lot of work those beautiful beds must be! i don't have anything that looks that good. wish i could see it in person, as i know photos never to justice... but impressive even in the photos! your garden belongs in a magazine.
Kerri, as usual, it is really a pleasure to "walk" throuh your garden with you. It really shows that you love your plants, and they love you in return...
Oh Kerri, the Colors of your Garden are incredible this time of year. I think the lilac garden is particularly colorful. You are my mentor when it comes to overwintering your plants. Did your fuschia stay green and hearty all winter, or does it need to go dormant? s
Thanks for another beautiful post of your flowers. The Glad's are so lovely. I have some that ate a deep cerise color. I love them, I saved seed a few years ago and hope to get more plants from them. They are my youngest son's birthday flower.
My flowers are hanging in there but many are bloomed out. I have been focusing on my veggie garden and am canning green beans today.
Lots to do this time of year.
Good evening dear Kerri
thank you so much for your nice comment. I'm fine again and a lot of work in the garden is waiting for me :-) !! It's so good to see your garden full of summer flowers....such a beautiful paradise that you created. You indeed are a very diligent gardener. I hope you can enjoy this splendour for many weeks.
Take care (and don't work too hard!).
Best wishes, my dear!
i like the header photo lillies with the striped throats... didn't notice them before. nice photo! so we are about to have 3 days of rain... i hope people who are flooded will be ok. i only miss my dau at times... but she has started to call and write, so it's a bit better. hope you are well!
Hello Kerri. Thank you so much for popping by the other day- was a lovely surprise.
So nice to finally get a moment to visit- sorry it has been so long. Your blooms are stunning as ever dear friend- so so much colour and fantastic camera shots- you take great photos! I am glad you've had a nice summer.
I have some Gladiolus inside on my mantelpiece at the moment - they are stunning flowers inside and out!
Your Petunia's are lovely- smiled at your 'wave' comment and as for that back porch of yours- what porch?! Love it!
Geraniums are one of my top five plants- just love the rich colours and how easy it is to keep them going, cuttings, etc.
Wow- just got another look at the baskets out front- everything is looking so fantastic Kerri.
I have a Vancouver Centennial Geranium too- did not know its name before now- thanks.
I love the view you have through the coneflowers- lovely. Can you tell l'm looking back down through your photographs as l comment? lol
These photos of your garden are inspiration to me Kerri- l dream of having a garden just like this. I recognise many of your flowers but still have so much to learn and grow ;)
Take care Kerri- l also hope your husband is still getting better.
much love
Your garden reminds me of the one in Disney's 'Alice in Wonderland'! I love the colour that is everywhere, you must feel so relaxed in your garden! Can't wait until I get this much variety and happiness back into my garden! :)
Beautiful pictures Kerri...I don't know why, but I always think of you when N.Y. gets hit by either snow or storms...I hope your safe and have no's like when something happens in toledo and it's in the blade newspaper, my cousins get all shook up thinking I'm in the middle of it... so I know NY is big, and I do hope your not in the middle... it's been quite a while since I stopped in, but your still on my favorites wanted to say hi....keep snapping those pictures... judy
Those flowers sure are beautiful and bright!
What a beautiful assortment of flowers!! It must be delightful to come driving into your driveway during this glorious flowering season. You have 2 green thumbs!! Just loved seeing all these photos!
Did you all get any of that snow? Hope all is well there...
You have such a beautiful garden, and I so enjoyed looking at all of your photos. We were up close your way, well, maybe not too close, in Connecticut for a quick trip. The hurricane did a lot of damage up that way. The summer here was not the greatest, fall is going by fast, and winter seems right around the corner with all of this cold weather we have been getting. Hope thing are good for you!
I miss you and think of you often. Hugs to you and your family.
Did you have a good Thanksgiving? We went to Baltimore and it was so warm and beautiful it felt more like spring then late fall.
Miss you and your garden. God bless.
I never comment before, i am a reader from Portugal, i wonder what
hapens to you? I hope everything
is ok. Sorry for my bad english...
Wow, Kerri, your garden was fabulous this last summer! I love that you get "carried away" with containers. Since I garden mostly in containers nowadays I know the feeling. Hard to find a spot to walk amongst them! Lovely post.
It's been way too long since you posted and we miss you. I pray all is well with you and yours. Take care dear Kerri.
Hope all is well, your blog has been quiet for so long! Just wanted to let you know that I have a new blog, as my old one was deleted due to fraud. Grrrrr!
Dear Kerri, it's been a long time, but I am not blogging so much anymore. Hope all is fine with you and your family. T♥
Kerri, its been too long since your last post. I hope everything is okay with you and your family?
Hello dear. I have missed your posts and want you to know I am still praying for you. I hope you come back soon.
Love, Hugs and prayers.
Lovely! What a peaceful spot. Thanks for sharing.
So lush and lovely ... .looks like your summer was a garden delight, Kerri! Happy Autumn :)
Kerri, just checking in, so many of us that started together seem to have fallen behind with our blogs..I know I'm guilty of neglecting mine!
Your gardens were lovely last year! I was hoping for a glimpse of the blooms of your houseplants, you've always had such spectacular blooming ones!
Such a wonderful blog, and in my USDA Zone too! I will be visiting often Kerri. I've recently committed to volunteering at my area botanical garden,Green Bay Botanical Gardens and will be making from their wealth of knowledge, I hope I can return the favour of learning from you. The friends I've made there and their eagerness to share! Spring is delayed but the magnolias will be in bloom in May (ish!). We have a member, a retired school teacher, who breeds the hardiest of magnolias available for purchase and his large test plot at the gardens is plastered with flower buds. Many other trials of trees, roses and dwarf conifers are in progress and I can't wait to learn more to post with tons of photos. I hope you get to pop in to see how much GBBG has accomplished in 17 years, and also what I've managed in my own yard since 2006.
Thanks again for sharing,I will need to make time to see all you've posted!
Tiger lilies and Gladiolas are two of my most favorite flowers. I didn't get a chance to plant any this past season. Your photos are so inspiring! I'd love to fill my empty porch with as many container plants as you have!
You have such a gorgeous amount of plants in bloom! I especially love your combination of Phlox, Shasta Daisies and Monarda, so pretty.
I can't believe how much your state looks like our's (Tennessee). Your flowers and gardens are beautiful. I would enjoy a trip up your way one day, when retirement is near and things are no longer pressing for all our time.
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