Autumn clothes our upstate New York farm in a dazzling array of colors.
Festivities begin even before the Autumnal Equinox,
with wild Asters and Goldenrod putting on a spectacular display to herald the change of seasons.
The woods are alive with fiery earth tones.
Vines in the hedgerow across the road are quick to turn a bright sangria red, and fields of pale lavender Asters bloom with abandon beside the tall Goldenrod.
(Click photos to see more detail)
(Click photos to see more detail)
Looking toward the hill we see the trees decked out in rust and gold against the emerald and olive greens. Sheep peacefully graze in the pasture at center right.
(a bit hard to see unless you click. I'd like to make the photos bigger but that doesn't seem to work with this template).
I've scattered deadheaded seeds of Rudbeckia triloba (a Black-eyed Susan) over the bank and they've germinated amazingly well. The patch was prettier a while ago when Queen Anne's Lace (now just brown stalks and seedheads) bloomed beside the Susans.
The fall colors compliment the red barn.
Cows can be seen grazing in the same field as the sheep, but usually at opposite corners.
But very little help was needed. Mother Nature did a wonderful job all by herself. She gave us some spectacular skies, 

and puffy clouds...
glorious days
of warm sunshine
and mild temperatures,
burnt orange trees to match the rust colored cow!
Buff colored sheep and the soft wheat shade of sudex (sorghum-sudangrass).
But there've been plenty of chill winds and gray, rainy days in the mix,
to prepare our thin skins for the cold days to come,
lest we forget that Old Man Winter is just around the corner.
We had a taste of him today with cold, wild winds and rain.
I hear another heavy shower pounding on the roof tonight and there'll be snow flakes in the air tomorrow, so the weatherman says.
But we've had a few days of perfect gardening weather this week - precious gifts to be savored and enjoyed.
The autumnal show is almost over, but oh my, it's been a joy to behold and we have much to be grateful for!
We had a taste of him today with cold, wild winds and rain.
I hear another heavy shower pounding on the roof tonight and there'll be snow flakes in the air tomorrow, so the weatherman says.
But we've had a few days of perfect gardening weather this week - precious gifts to be savored and enjoyed.
The autumnal show is almost over, but oh my, it's been a joy to behold and we have much to be grateful for!

Shades of Autumn
A tangerine and russett cascade
of kaleidoscopic leaves
Creates a tapestry of autumn magic
upon the emerald carpet of fading summer.
The golden memories of sunsets and twilight
Hover in the backdrop of the peek-a-boo patch
of silver skylight.
Judith A. Lindberg