We're invited to do a post about containers (archives count) and submit it by leaving a comment on Nan's post before the end of this month.
But my window boxes are a standard of my summer planting. I've been using many of the same plants for years, because they work so well. I use different varieties and color combinations each year, and sometimes add a different plant, but I basically stick to the same old faithfuls.
I love to use a combination of ivy geraniums, petunias, alyssum and vinca major. There are some pretty variegated cultivars of vinca available, which add interest. This is my favorite ivy geranium, Marimba, mainly because it grows so prolifically, but I also love the color.
I buy regular potting soil from our local hardware store and add peat moss to it, mixing it up in a wheelbarrow.
In this box are 2 ivy geraniums, 3 petunias, one vinca, with 3 alyssum planted along the front edge. They bloom well all summer. The petunias and geraniums need deadheading, and it's good to cut the petunias back a little when they begin to get a bit leggy. That way they'll bush out and continue to bloom nicely. I don't always get this done, but I should!

Two of these ivy geraniums were in the same box (they weren't blooming in the first picture) but I can't remember their name.
Here's the whole box
This is the same as the first box, but just around the corner from it. You can see how profusely the Marimba geranium blooms. There are 2 of them planted in here.

This 'Amethyst' ivy geranium hangs in a basket outside our back door.
You may have guessed I'm partial to pink :)
Here's what it looks like in the early morning sunshine.

I feed them with liquid fertilizer..the 'bloom booster' variety..... about once a week.
In this basket is a mixture of 'Rasberry blast' petunias, and I think the other might be 'Royal Magenta'. I bought this one already planted, and the blooms lasted amazingly well all summer. Sometimes we get lucky!
Fuchsias are another favorite of mine. This one is Southgate. I tried overwintering it, but unfortunately it didn't make it.