.....to a precious few.
......has come and gone already.
I began writing this post yesterday, on the last day of the month, but unfortunately didn't finish, so I had to edit that last line.
This was such a busy month, with harvest time and all that it entails - picking, freezing and canning - plus all the work needing to be done in the garden, and it all had to be fitted in between working at school.
Blogging has had to take a back seat for a while, so I haven't been posting or visiting much, but I've managed to record the month with my camera. How could I not? :) It's been such a beautiful month, full of sunny, warm days for the most part. We've had some cloudy days and much-needed rain during the past couple of weeks, but only one light frost so far, which did very little damage, for which we're most thankful.
The early weeks of September brought golden mornings.
As I look out our bedroom window I can still see color in this bed, and there are still only a few orange leaves on this maple tree, while the big Maple in the front yard has fully changed color and is rapidly losing its leaves.
The vines on the big elm and other trees in the hedgerow across the road always turn their rusty red shade soon after the days begin to shorten and the air becomes crisp. The countryside is full of autumn colors since I took these photos earlier in the month.
Here's a view of the lily garden and new rock garden from our upstairs bedroom window. 
The field of corn across the road, and others on the farm, are not quite ready to harvest. Some have been lightly touched by frost.
Here's the Aster I forgot to photograph for Bloom Day.
It's pretty beside the silver Artemesia.
Bees adore the Sedum Neon Stonecrop. 
Just over the bank, wild asters are blooming among the seed pods and flowers of Queen Anne's Lace.
Out in the pasture Joe Pye Weed has gone to seed and lost most of its color now, but it was beautiful while the flowers lasted....
.....but some of the Goldenrod is still pretty. 
Most of the Concord grapes have been harvested.
Some were juiced, and the juice frozen to be made into jelly at a less busy time.
And a good many were eaten and enjoyed! 
We have a large patch of elderberries growing out in the barnyard, and my dear hubby gathered a good-sized bagful of them. His brother and sister-in-law also brought us 2 large bagfuls from a huge patch they found.

I made juice and froze this also to make elderberry/apple jelly at a later date. The apple juice takes away that slightly bitter flavor that the elderberries have, and the resulting jelly is a delicious treat.
Home canned peaches are one of our favorite foods.
I have one more basketful to finish.
The tomatoes have produced abundantly, both regular sized (Jet Star) and grape, and they're still going. We've had plenty to give away.
The tall structure has pole beans growing on it. They're finished now because pesky rabbits, or perhaps a hungry woodchuck (aka groundhog) nibbled on the vines and killed them. Several weeks ago I looked out the window to see a woodchuck boldly wandering on the lawn near the veggie garden. They're a real nuisance when they dig burrows under the woodpile, which is conveniently close to the garden for them to dine on. 
Last year's saved gladiolus bulbs that DH planted were very slow to pop out of the ground in the spring. We ended up with not many plants, and only one that bloomed - a big disappointment after two years of great success planting them in among the vegetables.
American Goldfinches and other birds enjoy feasting on the sunflower seeds.
And this colorful spider has a feast of its own.
Yellow squash produced prolifically, and also yellow zuchinni that DH tried this year, but the regular green zuchinni didn't do well. We had some, but not many to give away. Imagine that! :)The yellow is thicker skinned and we didn't like the flavor as well, but it works just the same for zuchinni bread.
We can't remember a better sweet corn crop! DH grew 4 varieties to extend the season, and we had bushels and bushels to share with friends and neighbors. 
Here's the squash patch. DH gets a bit carried away :) He likes to try different kinds. That's mostly winter squash and jackolantern pumpkins, with a few gourds and ornamental pumpkins mixed in.
Strawberries and Rhubarb grow on the near side. We had great crops of both.
Buttercup is our favorite winter squash.
This one's called a "Fairytale" pumpkin. It's not quite big enough yet for Cinderella's coach!
And here's one of the orange jackolanterns. There are a couple of really big ones...our biggest ever.
Our son and DIL are bringing the grandsons for a visit this weekend, and Grandpa will send the two biggest home with them.
I went for a stroll up behind the barn.....
...to photograph the cornfields and wildflowers.
The woods are more colorful now, with more leaves turning their fall shades every day. I'll have to go up again this weekend to get an updated photo.
Goldenrod and wild Asters......
.......put on a lovely show.
DH made several large compost piles up here when we still had our dairy herd. This stuff is black gold!
Back down I go, past the barn, where Jasper (left) and Isabelle (both rather shy kitties) sit on a barn windowsill, soaking up the sun.
And here Isabelle sits on the front porch in the golden glow of afternoon sunshine....
....with Jasmine close by on the step. We've spent the whole summer trying to tame Isabelle, and she's only recently begun to let us pat and cuddle her. Some are tougher than others :) Her sister, Olivia, learned to trust us much sooner and loves to be cuddled. 
I saw a juvenile Ruby Throated hummingbird on September 22nd, but haven't sighted one since. The parents leave first, and the young ones make the long migratory trip alone. Amazing that they know the way, isn't it? 
We'll enjoy the fall colors, and hopefully some more glorious autumn days before the cold sets in, while our southern hemisphere friends are celebrating the arrival of warmer weather and springtime.
Meanwhile there's still plenty to do in the garden and even some color left to brighten our days.
Happy fall or spring everyone....depending on your location in this big, wide, wonderful world!
I hope to catch up with you soon. 
That's a truly beautiful and evocative post. Such lovely photos of bucolic scenes...
What a wonderful journey through September. Sure you have been busy!
Thanks for sharing.
PS I've tried to send you an email, but it did not get through...
Just trying to figure how long it would take for me to get to your house..Can I move in? :)
Love the land,the mountains,the hummer,the tomatoes you canned,that postcard picture of the grapes in a basket,the canned peaches,the fairytail pumpkin,the cats of course and eeiiww even the spider.
Gorgeous snaps Kerri. The elderberry and apple jelly has me salivating and I had to stop myself from licking the monitor when I came across your gorgeous canned peaches. September looks like a lovely month to be in your neighbourhood.
What a rich September you had, dear Kerri. Your beautiful pictures show autumn at its best. They are also proof of hard work on your farm. But this work is rewarding you with all the wonderful fruits and vegeteables, berries and flowers. A true blessing! Wishing you a lot of sunny and golden autumn days,
My, you have been busy both in the garden and the kitchen, but by writing this nice long post you've more than made up for the lack of posts recently. Sometimes blogging has to take a backseat, there are more important things in life. ;-)
I'm bowled over by the lovely view you've got Kerri, and your garden is not bad either. ;-)
Isabelle is so pretty, calico's are gorgeous but I think little Jasper is a very sweet kittycat too.
Loved the pic of the hummingbird, we don't have them so each and every pic I see of them is a treat.
It's always a pleasure to visit and see your lovely photos. I enjoyed seeing the kitties. Soaking up the last of this years sun against the cold they know is comming.
Some of these photos are like actual paintings. You should have them enlarged and framed for inside the house during the cold months to come. You are such a blessed person and I wish I lived next door and could benefit from all the plant dividing that is going to occur in the future.
September flew by and I have no hope of catching up. You seem to have been much more productive than I was. The asters have been exceptionally beautiful/plentiful this year. I hope we have another month left! I'm glad you mentioned the hummingbirds - John and I wondered why some had stayed so late.
Best wishes to you and your DH.
Great pictures as usual! You live in such a beautiful area. I hope with all the gardening, canning, etc, you guys get a chance to enjoy the fall and take in your beautiful surroundings.
Glad you were able to take photo, even though you've been busy. Very enjoyable!
Hi Kerri,
Your garden is just enormous! You are blessed to have such an abundant harvest as there's nothing like fresh produce from one's garden.
I know you've been busy but I'm glad you've found time to enjoy the beauty all around you.
Kerri, I always enjoy your posts.
What a large garden you have, so much of the earth's bounty. It looks like you had a very good yield this year.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful photos and for sharing your beautiful area with us.
Hi Kerri, we missed seeing your beautiful spot on this earth, but you have done a season's worth of posting in one swipe! As with the others, you live in paradise, with produce, kitties and wildflowers bountiful, and having you give us the tour is almost as good as being there with you in person. Thanks and we'll visit again real soon.
new url
What a wonderful visual walk through your gardens! I can certainly relate to all the work that goes into canning, freezing, and generally squirreling away for the coming winter. H and I have been very busy as of late and time for blogging has been low on the priority list. The colors are changing quickly here on the coast so I'd better get out with the old camera and snap a few before it gets away from me.
Wow Mum! You're blog is looking great- and so are the gardens! Love the kitty pictures. I'm so jealous of your sweet corn! We really only got to eat corn a few times this year.
i could scarf down those grapes rightaway....is it a coincidence that we spent our weekend at a local vineyard ..plucking grapes and stomping them :)
and those luscious peaches...they are yummy!
Love the goldenrods too.......yes they are putting up a show here too....and we have soy fields here turning fields into a bed of sunshine with their yellow leaves........
It's cool enough here to wear light sweater to work in early mornings but there's still lot of green around.........given half a chance, I'd paint all that green into yellow, orange and crimson (maybe even fuschia and purple ;DDD)in an instant.....I am so dying to see fall in all its glory.......
and your grandkids are so lucky to have home grown pumpkins for their jack o lanterns......
I am so lving this time of the year.,..there are all kinda country fairs,fall festivals, pumpkin patch festivals and quilt shows lined up............I am soooooooooooooooper-excited :)
Have a great Autumn, Kerri :)
Dear Kerri; this is a wonderful autumn post. The flowers are still out and beautiful. I am amazed at your produce. Everything looks so good. What a feast, you will have in winter. Grape jelly, Elderberry Jelly, which is excelent when you have a cold or a cough. All the canned tomatoes and the peaches look a treat. Its great to have all this fine, slow food! Its work but I think all worth while. When I have to many sweet corn I freeze them; Through the freezing process they get even sweeter and taste just like fresh. Take care dear Kerri and enjoy long sunny autumn days.
Kerri -- what a wonderful "visit" to your gardens, farm and harvest activities. Your photos are stunning! Cameron
I enjoyed all the details of your post. You touched on all of the highlights of fall, the beautiful colours, the bounty of the harvest and the satisfaction of preserving for the next season.
Your landscape photos are beautiful shots of the countryside. The gardens are sure going strong, wearing the purple and yellow of Autumn.
It looks like your cats are enjoying the season too, but at a more leisurely pace than you.
Beautiful pictures as usual. I particularly enjoyed the photos of Isabelle the cat! I'd let you pat me, really I would...
Hello Kerry. Your pictures are wonderful. Your garden certainly did well and all your canned goods look delish! I can't stand slimy store bought peaches so like you I canned my own for years. I am not doing canning any more though. I do freeze certain things like green beans and peppers and berries.
It took some time for you to take all those pictures but I'm so glad you did because it is a pleasure to see the lovely farm scenery and your gorgeous gardens.
Have a blessed week
Expecting that corn to arrive any day now - thank you!!!
Loved the photos of the 'canned' produce. Do you place the raw fruit in the bottles (they are definitely NOT cans, Kerri...lol)and then cook it, or do you cook the fruit in a big pot and bottle it whilst it's hot? Since the peaches haven't broken down, I assume it's the former. Do you have a photo of the bottling outfit, Kerri? I just wondered if it looked like the ones we used to use.
Great photos of the fields (paddocks) too.
Kerri, well that post explains your absence! the canned fruits look delectable! the farm is idyllic! i'm glad you are having a happy fall.
Kerri my word you have been a busy lady with all that you've harvested! Whew!! I was travelling through Europe last month and now getting around to catching up! I see that you and I appeared on the same page at Garden Voices!! That was my lure back to you and I am so glad I did..THe scenery around your home and garden is so peaceful and those kitties just too darn cute!!When you have the time come by and scrill down to see a bit of my trip. hugs NG
Dear Kerri, Just beautiful! All of the photos of canned goodies, flowers and baby hummer, kitties are just lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Your rich post is filled with stunning photos of your hard work and harvet, Kerri. I have so enjoyed visiting ... impressed by your canning, almost tasting the sun locked within each ripened fruit and tomato. Happy autumn!
Kerri I have never had such fest of photos to look at before here on your blog but as you said to me kindly the speed is wonderful with the broadband instead of dialup. I have studied every photo and enjoyed them all.
"don't let the frost get on your pumpkins!"
I can now visit you more often knowing photos will await me to see......happy autumn my friend.
Kerri never had such "a feast!" (red face) sorry Lee-ann
You never have idle hands do you, Kerri? Work and all the home canning are inspirational. I am going to stop complaining about my busy life which pales in comparison to yours!
love the canned fruit, the thought is making me hungry!
my zuchinni wasn't overly sucesful this year either, its finished now and there is some in the freezer but I didn't give away much at all.
What lovely photos! Your produce is amazing! I especially love the grapes. Love your kitties! We have a stray that we have been feeding most of the summer and can get up to him but that's about it. Hoping to tame him before winter sets in. Take care!
Kerri, thats a veritable picture-feast that you've laid before us. So truly, absolutely gorgeous!
I loved that orange pumpkin. I've never seen such a vivid orange before.
And I loved those peaches and grapes and ... (is there anything that you dont grow?)
But most of all I loved your very content-looking cats. You can just make out how happy they are to be where they are!
Dear Kerri, thank you very much for your visit. Congratulations to you too. I had again a look at your post and it is truely so beautiful. Love also the produce of your labour you so beautifully preserve for winter. This is truely the best you can eat. Take care and hugs T.
Your post and your beautiful pictures brought me such peace & joy to look at. I forgot how wonderful it has been to visit your blog and now that cooler weather is coming I hope to stop by more often.
The walk around your farm looking at everything including your wonderful pets has truly been wonderful.
This is the first time that I have seen a young hummingbird and it's hard to believe that these youngsters know their way to wherever they go to spend the winter.
Enjoyed your beautiful pictures and felt I was walking along with you around your farmplace.
Gorgeous photos, as always! I especially love the photo of Jasper and Isabelle. Jasper looks so peaceful and contemplative. I wonder what he is thinking.
Hi Kerri,
I just reread this post after seeing your recent "flowers-before-frost" post and realized I didn't comment before.
It's even more fun to see the two posts in reverse order - the flower post is so full of dancing pinks and this harvest post celebrates the golds and dark greens and oranges- what fun those pumpkins will be for your family!
One question - isn't your part of New York way too cold for growing peaches? Is that why you said "home canned" peaches - because you bought the fruit from a milder area? The peaches look wonderful, wherever they were grown!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Great pictures. I am a water color artist and would love to paint your first shot. It is perfect color and composition .
I was on line looking for heirloom pumpkins seeds and you farie pumpkin came up. Your garden is beautiful. I live in Oklahoma. Not too much to see here.
Is it ok with you to paint that photo. I just paint for friends and family now. Some day who knows.
Hi Barb,
Since you didn't give me an e-mail address to reply to, I hope you'll see my answer to your question here.
I'd count it a privilege to have you paint one of my photographs, so yes, please feel free to do that, and thanks for asking permission.
I'd love to see a photo of your finished painting, if you feel so inclined.
Glad you enjoyed the fall photos. Autumn in NY is glorious!
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