One of my favorite sights of winter is to look outside and see the sun sparkling on the snow. It appears to be a myriad tiny diamonds shining in the sunlight. This particular morning, December 6th, was just such a morning, so I grabbed my camera and headed outdoors.
The lightest of powdery snow could be seen glistening like a shower of jewels, blown gently by the wind and visable only against the background of the red shed. I tried to catch the sparkling snowflakes with the camera, but wasn't able to. Just a few specks are visable here against the large red shed and barn. Click on the photo to see the snowflakes better.
Murphy is almost always outside the back door, ready to walk us to the barn where the rest of the barn cats are waiting for breakfast. If you click to enlarge this photo you may just be able to see the sparkles on the snow. They show up in the larger version, but unfortunately a lot of detail is lost in the smaller pictures.
After their tummies were full the kitties found a sunbeam to bask in. There's Cleo on the left, Finnegan is the handsome white fellow in the middle, and Pete is on the right. In between are three of the kittens.
There's the man of the house, on the left, filling the outdoor furnace.....
.......and collecting the mail.
The tractors, machinery and hay wagons are snow blown in the old, sagging shed. 
And Pete has found a nice spot to sit and soak up some sunshine. Do you see those icycles on the porch behind him (to the left of his head)?.........
Here's a close-up looking toward the shed I was just standing next to when I took the photo of Pete. I've been experimenting with the different modes on my Canon SLR (Rebel XTi). Here I was trying to freeze the dripping water using a fast shutter speed in the TV mode. Fascinating and fun, but much practice is needed to gain understanding and experience. A good tutor wouldn't hurt either!
The gourds still sit on this windowsill, needing to be replaced with some evergreen branches, if I can pull myself away from the camera and take the time to do some outdoor Christmas decorating.
There's the old barn and shale bed looking picturesque in the morning light. Can you feel the crispness in the air? It was pretty chilly!
At the feeders in the front yard a Blue Jay cracks open a sunflower seed
And the Mourning Doves take their turn too. 
Sometimes they're even willing to share the space. 
I went out again later in the day, when the afternoon light was casting that lovely glow over all, and now the Sparrows were enjoying the leftovers on the tray.
The snow-covered pumpkins are still so pretty that I've been reluctant to cart them off to the compost heap, but sadly, they must go. This orange one looked like a basketball! I really enjoy the fall decorations and don't like to hurry into Christmas, but it's time now, I know. 
On this lovely afternoon they were encased in ice , and the sun glistened upon them, giving them a beautiful orange glow. 
Back in the warmth of the house the Columnea is blooming! An elderly gardening friend gave me this cutting in late summer and I'm loving it! It's a new plant to me and I had no idea it would bloom now. What a wonderful surprise! It makes a lovely hanging plant so I want to move it to a hanging basket, or find a hanger for the pot it's in.
Aren't those blooms pretty? They add a bit of cheery bright color to the house.
Jasmine watches the birds busily eating, and sometimes squabbling at the feeders. 
And little Miss Hanna has also learned that this is a fascinating way to pass the time.
You'll notice she now has a new name, and there's a funny story behind how she came by it.....
Kylie and Ko had each picked out a name but couldn't agree on which one to choose. They were watching this funny Swedish movie one night last week and there was a beautiful dog in it named Hannibal. It was some sort of collie mix with very similar coloring to Finch (the name Kylie had chosen). The owner had intended it to be an attack dog, but it was very gentle. Kylie said to Ko, "That's what Finch would look like if she were a dog." Ko replied with a smile, "And Hannibal would be a really funny name for such a small kitten." Then as the story moved along they learned that Hannibal the boy dog was actually a girl dog! So that clinched it. The same mix up! So Hanna(bal) she is! :)
I know, I know....we were cringing too at the suggestion of "Hannibal" for a sweet little girl, but "Hanna", on the other hand, is pretty. We can live with that :) Our New York winter appears to have set in. Last week was a snowy one with school closings on Monday. Today we had an icy mix, with rain last night and this morning. Walking to the barn on the ice was precarious, but was made a little easier by a path of wood ashes sprinkled by my sweet husband. I appreciate all those thoughtful things he does :)
Have a great week everyone!
Kerri, you have captured some beautiful images with your camera. My favourite one is the cats all lit up by the shaft of sunlight coming into the barn.
The snow is so pretty .... singing quietly to myself -'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'! (did that get you in the festive mood?!)
Hope you have a wonderful week, too, Kerri :)
sigh!!!!! now if only we could have some seasons in these parts too!!!! Loved the pics and the stories you shared :) and those sparkles are is the motley bunch of cats and Miss Hanna soaking in the sights from the comforts of home :)
i can imagine how beautiful the red barn looks with the new white hat it has acquired :)
Over here, we always talk about winter and snow....but you really have got it. Wonderful, peaceful and lovely pictures.... they are perfectly matching to December and the coming Christmas days!
Have a good time!
Kerri, I just love the snow pictures. Even though you couldn't capture the diamond sparkles I could see them in my minds eye. I love to see that too.
All your kitties are so pretty. I think all cats go for those rays of sunshine. I think the cats in the barn soaking up the rays is good.
Good to hear from you. I am glad you are calling your inside cat Hanna instead of Hannibal. I am afraid I would have nightmares if I was calling Hannibal to me. :)
That red blossom in your house surely lifts the spirits on these cold snowy days.
Thank you for those beautiful pictures. I've enjoyed each of them!
Hi Kerri,
I so enjoy seeing your farm in all its winter glory. You've captured so much of the beauty for us. Your kitties all look adorable :)
I know what you mean about being slow to move from fall to winter decorations. I'm working on putting up some Christmas things today (well in between blogging of course!)
Stay warm and cozy!
love and ((hugs))
Pam @ Digging says:
Your photos of your farm always conjure up scenes from Norman Rockwell for me, Kerri. It sure is beautiful up there.
Beautiful photos, once again! Your kitties are adorable. I tried to tell my kitties that some kitties live where it snows and that they stay in the barn where there's no warm fire going. "You're very spoiled, you know," I told them. "It doesn't even snow here, and you can't stand the cold outside for more than five minutes." But they didn't seem to believe me, being California cats and all. They just kept on sleeping in front of the fireplace. :)
It seems like everyone has snow but us Oregonians on the valley floor! Waaa I want snow! Those are positively gorgeous pics.
My new canon rebel xti should arrive tomorrow, it they make it through the recent snow we have gotten. Now I know just who to ask for advice when I can't get the perfect shots like you are able to do.
Kerri, your photos are wonderful. You have snow, I love it. Just in this hour I brought some birdfood outside. But you have much more intersting birds.
Kerri, I love the snow pictures! Beautiful photos as always! Your cats are so cute!
I hope you have a good week with Snowy + Sun = Lovely Week!
I loved walking around in the snow with you and viewing all the sights. I love the cat pictures! So cute!
Nice pictures Mum! Our little Hanna is looking quite plump isn't she? keep up the good work with cats and camera!
Kerri, Thanks for the great photos! It looks SO COLD, but so beautiful. Please keep warm and safe on those icy roads!!!
I'm always excited to find you've added to your blog! Its almost like a visit. I love all the kitties.. orange and whites are my favorites.. for their soft soft fur and amazing purrs. I could see the sparkle on the snow.. aren't those days the best? I remember in Maine the coldest days, the snow would squeak when we walked. Old timers told us that's how you know its below zero.
Beautiful photos, as always dear Kerri!
Jasmine is going to miss her playmate, Hannah when she goes to New York so you'll have to choose another kitty for her to romp around the house with. Got anyone in mind yet?
fabulous photographs, what a beautiful place you live in.
its lovely to see the cats enjoying their 'sunbeam'.
Kerri, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love all your snow pictures. I think you probably have more snow now so I am looking for pictures of BIG snow drifts! Ha! Ha!
Hope you have a very blessed Christmas!
Frozen pumpkins, frozen cats .... the new ICE AGE cometh!
Just wanted to wish you a nice Christmas and a happy new year.
Love Elzie
LOVE your snow pictures! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
You have been tagged with: "Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends." Pick up your instructions here.
Have fun! Merry Christmas!
Oh I LOVE the picture of the kitties in the sunbeam! That is just wonderful. You should enlarge that and frame it.
Jasmine sure is gorgeous!
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