Kylie was very touched by all the birthday wishes and sweet comments you left on her birthday post. Here's what she said in her comment, "Awww, thanks Mummy. Those are lovely pictures. Thanks also to all of you who wished me a happy birthday. You sure are a nice bunch over here in blog land".
I've been helping with work on Vacation Bible School (VBS) scenery this week at church, getting ready for VBS next week.
The fence and driveway gardens.
The yellow lilies look pretty with the blue harebells. Those are round bales of hay in the field across the road.
Pink columbine (Aquilegia) blooming in the fence garden
Maroon columbine
I found these violets blooming beside a ploughed field among the dandelions.
Ross sewed these salad greens (and reds) in a cold frame in the early spring, and then removed the frame. The vege garden is chock-full now, and we've been eating lots of spinach, salad greens, radishes, and we've just had our first zucchinis this week. We'll soon have fresh peas, and perhaps some garlic.
And then came the poppies in all their splendor.
First the flamboyant reds..........
...........and then the lovely pinks.
The bees love them too!
Tissue paper petals
The lawn was still green then, and growing like crazy. It has brown patches now, but is looking a little better after our rain on Tuesday.
The shasta daisies are still nodding their bright faces in the breeze.
This is a passalong cranesbill geranium that I planted last summer.
This pink cranesbill is the one I've had for years. We've transplanted some to the front bank, by the road, and it's doing well.
The early yellow daylilies bloomed more briefly than usual, and the blooms were smaller....
........still pretty though.
A bit of the front view, with lupins and lilies.
This pink rose had more blooms on it this spring than I've ever seen before. Perhaps last year's abundant rains helped it develop a bigger root system. I've noticed all the rose bushes are doing well...except the new "Wild Blue Yonder" (planted last fall), which got bent by a naughty cat. It's OK though. I staked it up and it's given us one bloom so far (Picture next time).
And then there were peonies!
............accompanied by the lovely weigela.
This one is very fragrant
These 2 bushes have very large blooms.
At least they didn't get knocked down by rain this year. Last year they were drowned!
Bees absolutely love the Evening Primrose.
Here's the first blossom on the Jackmanii Clematis (taken June 21st). It's absolutely covered in blooms right now. It gets the prize for the showiest plant in the garden!

We had a fun Fourth of July picnic with family. Our son and his wife came for a couple of days with the grandsons. The little boys have such a great time riding on the tractors and playing with the kitties. They really love the farm and it's such fun to see their excitement and glee as they play with old toy tractors and farm equipment that used to be their dad's.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Hey, it's raining!!!
(accompanied by thunder and lightning)!
Hi Dear Kerri, What a wonderfull photo's !!!I did not know (yet) the English name for a flower I like "poppie" .I like all the photo's and of course the surrounding of your house...
I posted for you/me some cows today,which are in front of our door,(in a field) I see them through my window. I LOVE them so much, they make my day when I hear them "moow" in the morning. I wanted you to know that I posted them today.
Have a HAPPY sunny weekend!
Ah.... the poppies, the peonies, the shasta daisies, the day lilies... I just can't choose a favourite - they are all so gorgeous!
Hope you have a lovely time with your grandchildren.
Thanks for the tour of your garden, Kerri. We have no color in our garden now, but recent rain has refreshed everything. We also have just had a tank installed (5000 litres). Maybe we'll get back to planting flowers now that we have a back up water supply.
Lovely post catching up with what's been happening in your garden, Kerri. Hope to hear from you a bit more often so you can get all your pictures shown. Your daylilies must be starting now and I hope you are getting some good photos (hope there's not TOO much rain your way -- just enough).
Hi Kerri,
Your garden is a sheer visual delight. How great that you can grow salad greens. Ours never have done well here. Love the shot of Pepper on the railing. He must be a great door greeter!
You posted a lot of beautiful pictures. The flowers are lovely.
I couldn't help smile when I read about how you are enlarging your gardens. LOL
I have the very same problem here. Unfortunately some are so weedy now that I will have to wait for old man winter to freeze them out, and try to do better in the spring.
I hope your hydrangeas do really well. They are so gorgeous.
You posted a great series of pictures. I already miss my poppies. I wish they would last longer or bloom again. So beautiful and gone so quickly.
Hi, I think, you are one month behind us in the garden. Wonderful photos, I like your Geranium.
What a lovely garden and all these beautiful flowers!!! I feel very bad about my own garden right now. It has not been organized well this summer. But next year I hope it'll be.
Take care.
Love Elzie
Hi Kerri,
I just wanted to look at the sweet flowers again.....
How are you doing? Did you and your Husband were having a good weekend?
Bye for now,
JoAnn with greetings
I hope you had a great weekend with the kids! I love the picture of Pepper watching the hummer. Was it just last year that we were worried about flooding? We have had a couple of good rains so now my lawn is greening up again. It looks like you had a lot of pretty color for the spring. I'm looking forward to pictures of the Jackmanii in it's summer glory.
Gorgeous shots of such a lovely array of flowers. I especially like the last shot of Pepper and the hummingbird-that would win a prize!
As usual, I loved coming back to my USA 'home'. Funny thing is, much as I love the flowers, and you have such variety, it's the fields and the green grass that really appeals to me.
Then I came to your last para about how Andrew and Terri's boys love their time on the farm. Exactly how my children loved their visits to the farm. Toys, etc. weren't necessary; just being there was entertainment enough - especially if the old mulberry tree down the back hill was loaded with fruit in the summer!
How fortunate is any adult who can remember childhood days on a farm - especially those who were visiting and didn't have to do the chores EVERY
I always enjoy visiting your gardens and seeing your kitties. They are so fun to watch. Your color combinations always work so nicely. I love columbines as well, they see so delicate. I have never seen the maroon before.
Hi! Kerri, taking a walk from one photo to the next was just what the doctor ordered! a little colour, sunshine and warmth in my day. It was lovely Kerri and I adore the colours of your poppies.
Thank you for today.
Loved the pink poppies totally.....never seen the pink colored ones before.....and the nodding daisies made my day...I love daisies. Thanx for sharing such beautiful pics from your garden.....:)
Your spring gardens look fantastic and I can see from the pictures that you've had more rain than we have. I can also see it by all the flowers you have...they're beautiful. And everything looks so green.
Enjoy your visits and we'll see you when you get back.
Love all the photos of flowers! Beautiful!
Sounds like you are having a busy summer. I thought things would slow down at this stage of life, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
It is fun to catch up on your blog. Maybe I will also get around to another post on mine.
Dear Kerri,
Sorry I havn't been here for a while. I hope you are doing fine and you are still enjoying the company of your son's family!
Your spring photos are wonderful and I especially enjoyed the shot of Pepper at the end!
By the way, my first white marigold will start to bloom soon! What a pity that you were not really successful with the seeds I send you (I'll try to share some other seeds with you this winter, okay?)
Kerri, I am very sorry to learn about the death of your father. May he rest in piece. What a wonderful idea to plant new hydrangea to honour him! Good luck with all your new enlarged beds!
Best wishes from Germany and happy gardening!
Just catching up on your blog - great photos - as usual!!!! Hey, get a neckstrap and carry that camera with you all the time! Then you won't have to run to get it! I hope you had a great weekend. The garden looks GREAT!
A Beautiful show of your blossoms! I adore the pink poppy with the bee! The flower is so paper like...I must plant some!hugs Ng
Kerri your pictures of your flowers are gorgeous as always! I am learning some names of things that I have in my garden that I didn't know, thanks for the knowledge! LOVE the picture of Pepper and the hummer! That is a real catch, you sure were at the right place at the right time! Happy belated Birthday wishes to your daughter, love all the pictures you posted of her growing up. Glad you had such a good time over the 4th with your kids. Yes there is something about a farm that just is so good for kids! I grew up about a 5 minute walk from my grandparents farm and I loved it there, the animals, the smell of the hay, the gardens and of course Grammie making home made donuts! Hope you have a nice big group of kids for your VBS week!!
I hope you've had some more rain by now, Kerri - putting the memory hydrangeas in with the rose garden sounds like a beautiful combination.
Please don't stop running for the camera when a hummingbird flies in range!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
your gardens look absolutely beautiful...Because it is winter here our gardens are a little on the drab side so it was nice and refreshing to see some beautiful flowers..
Hi Kerri ~~ Happy Birthday and many Happy Returns. I hope you have a lovely day. As always your garden is beautiful - my favorite is probably the Columbines. I just love them. I had a most unusual one a couple of years ago, similar to your maroon
one but with a yellow centre. I hope your daughter had a terrific birthday also. Take care Kerri, Love, Merle.
Happy Birthday dear Kerri:-) I hope you have a fabulous day!! It seems I've missed a couple of your posts so I've caught up!! Your flowers are always so gorgeous and how I'd love to be able to walk amongst them:-) I'm especially fascinated by the pink poppies...I had never seen those before, they are so very beautiful!! Now you know I'll have to look for some! lol xoxo
Just came over from Pea's to wish you a very Happy Birthday and an extremely belated Happy Birthday to your darling grandbaby.
Upstate New York covers a lot of territory. In the small world category, I was born in Syracuse and raised in Ilion, 10 miles east of Utica. I've always considered that upstate or possibly central.
Just took a glance at your archives.
If visiting Cooperstown is fairly common for you, then you are close to where I was.
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