Is there anything more glorious than summer in the garden?
It's a little bit of heaven, I think.
I don't have much time to chat tonight...must get my 40 I'll just let the photos show you what's blooming.
Clematis Jackmanii is loaded with blooms,
and I'm very happy to see
so many flower heads on this Hydrangea. The one in the background, however, has no sign of any blooms.
so many flower heads on this Hydrangea. The one in the background, however, has no sign of any blooms.
The Pink Garden
but we need rain!
The Daylilies and Asiatics loved the wet spring and are rewarding us with abundant blooms.
Butterpat Daylily's diminutive bloom pairs well with Cerise Queen Yarrow/Achillea
The lovely Asiatic Lilies are just finishing
It's the Daylilies time to shine
Catherine Woodbury - such a delicate pink
Gloriosa Daisies/Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susans) are blooming gloriously!
I was thrilled to find this red Batface Cuphea at our local nursery. I've long admired it in Annie in Austin's beautiful garden and never expected to see it in my upstate New York far from Texas!
This is just one of several containers I've had fun putting together.
There are many more blooms and at least 80 more photos to show, but we have to keep this reasonable, don't we?
So much for not chatting.....
My dear hubby will have a quiet chuckle when he reads that line.
I was sorry to miss the June Bloom Day.
The photos were ready to post but there just wasn't a window of time to accomplish the task. Perhaps I'll manage to play catch up one of these summer nights.
You'll find a long list of gardeners, far and near, anxious to show off their blooms at Carol's Indiana "May Dreams Gardens" blog.
Happy July Bloom Day everyone!
This is just one of several containers I've had fun putting together.
There are many more blooms and at least 80 more photos to show, but we have to keep this reasonable, don't we?
So much for not chatting.....
My dear hubby will have a quiet chuckle when he reads that line.
I was sorry to miss the June Bloom Day.
The photos were ready to post but there just wasn't a window of time to accomplish the task. Perhaps I'll manage to play catch up one of these summer nights.
You'll find a long list of gardeners, far and near, anxious to show off their blooms at Carol's Indiana "May Dreams Gardens" blog.
Happy July Bloom Day everyone!