At long last!!
After a winter that just wouldn't quit (and is almost certainly not done with us yet),
Mid March has brought definite signs of spring to our upstate New York garden.
Could we possibly be more grateful for this sunny March Bloom Day with temperatures approaching 50ºF/3.8ºC? I think not!
My dear hubby came home from the hospital on February 28th and, although his recovery has been slow, today's sunshine enticed him outside for a walk to the mailbox for the first time in weeks. We look forward to more sunny days which will surely help speed his progress.
Grateful thanks to all for your well wishes and prayers. They are so very much appreciated.
My dear hubby came home from the hospital on February 28th and, although his recovery has been slow, today's sunshine enticed him outside for a walk to the mailbox for the first time in weeks. We look forward to more sunny days which will surely help speed his progress.
Grateful thanks to all for your well wishes and prayers. They are so very much appreciated.
Last week on Monday, March 7th we were enduring the second day of this winter's ultimate snowstorm for our area (we hope!), which dumped 2 feet of snow on us.
But today brought sunshine and snowdrops......pure delight!
I'm entranced by the way the tiny white blossoms are cradled initially in a green cup and then the little teardrop is released to finally open its petals when the sun warms it sufficiently. There wasn't quite enough warmth today for that to happen, but it will come.
Daffodils are poking through, but it will be a while before we see their golden yellow heads nodding in the spring breezes. 

The resilient Hellebore has emerged from beneath its deep blanket of snow looking a little worse for wear, but do you see those few white buds? This is one tough little plant!
We know spring is near when the barn kitties emerge from their self-imposed winter confinement in the barn. Cleo followed me around today, catching up on cuddles as I hunted for blooms.
Inside the house a white Amaryllis is queen of the March bloom show.
Its first bloom opened on March 7th,
But now the second glorious bloom is open as well.
I love the contrast of white petals against the green throat.
To the left of the Amaryllis the pink Abutilon is sporting a few blooms.
The orange Abutilon is also blooming upstairs in a cool bedroom but I forgot to take a photo of it.
The two pretty pink begonias are still doing well. That's the Babywing in front with the "Rose" begonia behind.
There are bloom stalks on the Parlor Palm.
Twirly green stems dotted with tiny yellow balls.
Isn't nature amazing?
The Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose), closely related to the African Violet, has lots of lovely blue blooms. 

Upstairs pink and white Wax Begonias are blooming.
As well as several overwintering geraniums.
This one is Vancouver Centennial.
The Kenilworth Ivy has tiny mauve blooms.
It loves being in a south facing window.
The lipstick red Christmas Cactus, not to be outdone by the glorious white Cactus, has put on a wonderful show.
I'm not sure if adding the humidity tray helped produce such an abundance of blossoms, but after a disappointing beginning, I'm happy to report that both plants did extremely well. 

And that wraps up my March Bloom Day offerings.
To overload your senses with as many other bloom day posts as you can possibly squeeze into your day go to Carol's May Dreams Gardens where she hosts our monthy offering of blooms from all over the globe.
Happy Bloom Day everyone!