Outside the back door the cheery yellow Evening Primrose has just begun to bloom. I've been planting window boxes and containers these past few days. Once they're finished I have annuals and perennials to plant, weeds to pull, perennials to thin....the list goes on.....but that's gardening, always a work in progress. Spring is an especially busy time with so much to do all at once, but it's so good to be outdoors, digging in the dirt again after those long months of winter.
Most of my gardens are messy at the moment, but this Rose/Clematis garden is the exception. I usually work on it first so that I can walk out the back door and see at least one area looking tidy. If you click to enlarge the photo you'll have a better view of the following few plants...
Clematis Carnaby, to the right of the window, has all her blooms down low at the moment.
Iris Beverly Sills is tucked in on the other side of the window, beside Clematis Jackmanii, which is full of buds, but not yet blooming.
Just before we turn the corner there's a lovely patch of Sweet William. Pansies are smiling amid the self-sown Alyssum and Johnny-jump-ups.
Turning the corner we see columbine in a deep wine shade, a container of pansies, and another with red ivy geraniums.

Heading down around the corner to the Spring Garden we find Bleeding Hearts blooming their heads off. The last hard frost on May 19th damaged the pink bushes quite badly, and turned most of the lovely pink strings of hearts to a pale, shriveled version of their former selves, but they have since rebounded nicely and are looking bright and pretty again. The white bush was hardly touched....I suppose because it's tucked into the corner and a little more sheltered.
Forget-me-nots are still blooming here, there and everywhere.
Hannah followed me today as I wandered around taking photos. She loves to be in the garden with me. That Bleeding Heart to the right of the steps has grown huge this spring, and with the hosta reaching over from the other side it's becoming a bit difficult to use the steps. I need to get busy with my nippers and tame them a little.
Looking up behind Hannah you can see the overwintered geranium, Vancouver Centennial, in the same container as last year.

Before we head down the lawn let's have a look at the Top Driveway Garden.....
where Lupines stand tall and elegant...
...next to this perky red and yellow columbine.

Heading down the left side of the driveway we find the magical tissue paper-like blooms of the Oriental poppies.
In vivid orange-red....
....and soft salmon pink, my personal favorite.
In the row of lilacs on the bank, the little Miss Canada, planted just last year, is a late bloomer. Her leaves were damaged by the frost and we thought at first she was dying from a dreaded disease. It was a great relief to see her recover and bloom.
We find this pretty yellow sedum down in the Rock Garden.
And over in the Lily Garden is another gorgeous clump of the Siberian Iris. Isn't the color amazing?

Here we have white Lupines and pink Fox Gloves looking lovely together, with columbine in the background.
I love the white against the clear blue sky. We only had a few hours when the sky was clear and the sun shone warmly today. Rain showers kept spoiling my photoshoot and planting endeavours.
There's a lot of green in the gardens but we find clumps of color here and there. The pink and red is Sweet William, faithfully blooming in time to grace graduation party tables.
This Salvia is a passalong from our DIL and son's garden.
Palest peach Verbascum grows in delicate spikes.
And pink columbine looks like little fairy frocks.
Pretty purple....
Two shades together with a touch of gold.....
Almost black tones, with a rich purple.
On the other side of the front porch Brunnera Jack Frost is surrounded on either side by a pretty Euphorbia and hostas.
See the tiny caterpillar on the Brunnera blossom?
On the north side of the house is the Daisy garden. I love the combination of pink Columbine and white Daisies.
The veggie garden is over to the left but we won't go there this tour.
Jacob's Ladder is one of many flowers growing in the North Side Garden.

Happy Bloom Day everyone!