Enough is enough!

The White Temptation daylily is still opening a couple of flowers each day, but its blooming days are almost over for the summer.
Catherine Woodbury is like the Energizer Bunny - she just keeps going and going! What a beauty she is!
.....and this soft pink with the darker eye. The Cerise Queen Yarrow (achillea) blends nicely with it. There's lots of Bee Balm (Monarda) in this garden as well.
Looking past the Butterfly Bush to the lilac garden, we see more phlox providing the most eye-catching color there.
The red Monarda and white Shasta Daisies are still blooming, but are beginning to wane. These pink phlox spread very easily and must be kept in check. I dig out lots of the monarda and daisies too at the end of the season. Perennials save planting time in the spring, but thinning the spreaders can be labor intensive.
The bees mix up the colors when they polinate, and I end up with lovely shades of pink and purple. There's a couple of ants sharing this bloom with the bee.
Tiger Swallowtails are abundant in our gardens.
The dwarf campanula (campanula carpatica) makes a pretty edging.
It's very easy to move pieces of this around to other gardens.
The Coneflowers (echinacea) are pretty in pink.....
......and the Gloriosa Daisies go on and on. They're both rudbeckias. Can you see the resemblance?
Down in the lily garden a few daylilies are not quite finished blooming. Cherry Cheeks is still putting on a show....
...and Mariska, planted last year, is doing nicely her second summer.
Strutter's Ball, further up in a different garden, only had a few blooms this second summer. I added more compost so we'll see if this improves her performance next year.
Back in the lily garden, portulacas seeded themselves from annuals planted last year...
Aren't these rust colored Gloriosas pretty? They've been blooming for weeks in the fence garden, and really can't be beat for long-lasting blooms.
These bright Petunias are also in the fence garden.
I don't know the name of this Heuchera because it wasn't labeled. It's grown large in the clematis garden up by the house, where the soil is rich in compost. I've just pulled out all the Gloriosa Daisies that planted themselves here. Most of them were finally beginning to fade. I wanted to replace them earlier in the summer with some annuals, but didn't get it done before they bloomed, and then they looked too pretty to move. I have some other things I want to plant here to try and brighten it up a bit.
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