In January my hubby rigged up a clothesline between the porch and a nearby maple tree on which we’ve hung several bird feeders.

There’s a pulley so that we can easily winch them in for filling, and then push them back out away from the porch.

The messy birdies (mainly the sparrows) were leaving too many ‘presents’ on our porch when the feeders were hanging from the edge of it, so something had to be done!

This system works well, as they tend to sit on the line rather than the porch, but they’re still close enough for us to see their comings and goings. The suet cage and 2 net suet bags still hang from the porch though, and this brings the woodpeckers close enough for me to get some reasonable pictures of them. I love to watch their antics!

Although we have quite a variety of birds visiting our feeders, I haven’t had much luck getting many good photos yet, but it’s fun trying. Most birds startle easily.

The cheery, cheeky chickadees (how’s that for alliteration Jelly?) are quite bold, but they rarely sit still for long. We have the ever-present resident flock of sparrows. Recently one little fellow plopped down in the snow right outside the glass door and just sat looking in at me for a while.

Of course I took the opportunity to snap its picture. At first I thought it might be hurt, but when I called hubby to come and see it, it startled when it saw him and flew away.
I’d love to some day have a digital camera with a bigger zoom lens so that I could get better close-ups of the birds, but the little Canon is easy to carry around and I’m having fun learning how to use it.